Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore for those borrowers who have eurobonds outstanding , it is no longer possible to issue bonds with such security in view of the negative pledge on the eurobond .
2 As with quoted speech ( see b.2 and b.3 ) , it is possible to find instances of reported speech where the necessary clues to the identity of the speaker are found only in preceding text .
3 While it is true that by the turn of the century both middle and working class women were profoundly affected by the gospel of maternalism preached by the medical profession , imperialists and politicians , it is also possible to find examples of straightforward resistance to physicians both on the grounds that they encouraged middle class women to lead idle lives and that they posed a threat to female modesty .
4 The Democratic Unionist Party is in the curious position of being dominated by evangelicals and hence being more favourable to temperance and sabbatarianism than the Official Unionists and at the same time being better supported than the Officials by working-class loyalists who are not known for their piety and who are prepared to support acts of criminal violence .
5 In the England of Edward I , if the great feudatories had refused payment for fear of losing caste , by the reign of Edward III all were ‘ now prepared to accept wages for military service ’ .
6 At the second of these meetings Attlee stressed that the strategic arguments about the Middle East were not valid because no country would be willing to grant bases for military action , and all Britain would achieve would be to pose a needless and pointless threat to the Soviet Union .
7 It is difficult to measure colonic function simultaneously in its various parts and it is erroneous to extrapolate findings from one part to another .
8 Others have some flexibility , being prepared to serve documents in any language which the addressee is likely to understand ; a short document addressed to a commercial firm in English or a language similar to that of the state of destination ( e.g. a document in Norwegian for service in Sweden ) will be accepted , but a long document addressed to a private individual in a relatively obscure language will not .
9 This suggests that it is sensible to explore aspects of subjective risk in the controlled environment of even this relatively crude simulator .
10 The farm is open to the public and it 's reviving old fashioned techniques as living history .
11 This is a simple pensione where old fashioned virtues of friendly service and warm hospitality have not been forgotten .
12 When planting be careful to select plants of modest growth .
13 EAST GERMANY 'S Communist leaders said last night they were prepared to discuss ways of improving life in their country .
14 EAST GERMANY 'S Communist leaders said last night they were prepared to discuss ways of improving life in their country .
15 Once or twice he seems to imply criticism of the manner in which a bishop was appointed , most notably in his account of the appointment of the layman Desiderius to the bishopric of Eauze , despite a promise that the post would go to a cleric , but for the most part he is prepared to record events with apparent impartiality .
16 Teams would be free to form liaisons with each other depending on the state of the game , so bringing new skills to the game such as negotiation and selling techniques .
17 In other technical areas , despite not personally possessing relevant expertise , judges are fully prepared to determine questions of professional competence .
18 ‘ Centro ’ is even prepared to send speakers to rural railway societies far removed from the scene of action .
19 But its lack of interest in theory makes it prone to overlook biases in this area .
20 On Jan. 20 , responding to further deaths caused by separatist action , Chandra Shekhar reiterated during a visit to Chandigarh that central government was prepared to hold talks with any group pledging to restore peace in Punjab , but that his government would make no compromise on violence .
21 I was back to visit it because Ben Tee , via the falls , was one of a series of outings I was proposing for a book of Lochaber walks , and despite all my nosing about I was not prepared to describe things without another visit .
22 It means something like : surprisingly fanciable if it was socially OK to fancy women of that age .
23 Finally it would be unrealistic to raise hopes of restoring part of the railway itself as has been done elsewhere , at least for the foreseeable future .
24 The University will assume that it is free to approach referees at any stage unless the candidate 's application stipulates otherwise ( i.e. candidates who wish a referee or referees to be approached only with their specific permission and/or if they are being called for interview on the final short list or are in receipt of a conditional offer , are asked to state such requirements explicitly alongside the details of the relevant referee(s) ) .
25 Lloyd George , himself perfectly willing to countenance departures from free trade in his 1918–22 Coalition , now argued that free trade was best defended through a vote for the Labour Party .
26 Next , feel free to ask questions at any time if you 're confused by anything .
27 John Bruton , head of the Fine Gael party , declared : ‘ There must be no hiding place anywhere in a civilised world for people who are willing to commit atrocities of this kind . ’
28 When the young unemployed include graduates with valuable knowledge , it is even more depressing .
29 The president is not free to choose , to start wars wherever he feels like it , the president is not free to make agreements with any country he feels like making it with and some presidents have had to learn the hard way .
30 The view that the Iraqi government was willing to resume negotiations on UN-supervised oil sales ( reported in September — see p. 39115 ) was supported by China 's permanent representative at the UN Li Daoyu who , referring to the resolution , was quoted on Oct. 3 as saying that such " extraordinary measures " were unnecessary in the light of Iraq 's readiness to re-open negotiations .
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