Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It will be necessary to see how far it is possible to go along with a strict criterion-referenced system or what kind of compromises may be worked out if such a system has advantages of motivating pupils and aiding changes in curriculum .
2 Viewing the accounts of parish overseers with their detailed entries of small payments for a range of needs , some historians have found it possible to write approvingly of a Poor Law which was sensitive to local needs and did not deal in bread alone .
3 It is possible to work hard at a complete system and get very little from it because of interference by other predators .
4 If England were to decline to tour India on the grounds of safety , other countries might not be so willing to visit there for a one-day jamboree .
5 They housed children who could not find foster parents or who were too old to fit easily into a new family environment .
6 ‘ The letters are the firms , the numbers are the prices in pence of a typical Alpha stock and the volumes they are prepared to deal in at a particular time .
7 Rather like the systems employed by general practitioners , there are advantages and disadvantages to both methods , with patients perhaps preferring the former system and being prepared to put up with a long delay once in the clinic to a worried wait of two or three days .
8 The Roman Catholics were interested that a combination between a Russian refugee , Georges Florovsky , an English high churchman , Michael Ramsey , and a dogmatic Swiss Protestant , Karl Barth , brought the ecumenical movement to an impasse because none of them was prepared to put up with a Protestant federation , and the union of these unlikely allies was too powerful to overcome .
9 In the past the courts have been willing to interfere only to a limited extent in the use of prerogative power .
10 Catering & Allied came up with a novel solution : copy the stock file on to one of the two 128k data packs which fit into the back of a Psion Organiser , update that file ‘ on the hoof ’ ; and copy the updated file back to the desktop computer .
11 One feature I was sad to see here on a recent visit was a fish hatchery installed in the bay , a sight now common in the western lochs and doubtless contributing to the local economy ; sad because I feel that all living creatures should have freedom of movement and not be bred and confined in restricted space for the table .
12 And in a sense , he actually very neatly defined several different points without getting his knickers in a twist , and wearing different hats it would be so easy to come out with a muddled thing which would end up by being him feeling uncomfortable but him also being part of the Government and the Atomic Energy Authority .
13 Though most merchants say it is too early to come up with a firm idea of the trade , the initial reports on quality suggest some low nitrogens and good bushel weights , at least for the Puffin that seems to predominate at the moment .
14 But while many potential owners enjoy visiting the Shelters , it is not that easy to walk away with a new pet .
15 The pattern changed again on the 25th as a strong , cold northwesterly dug in behind a complex series of troughs , the precipitation turning increasingly wintry .
16 It 's all drawing information from this same central store of information erm it 's a way of sharing information amongst a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons , information which previously would have been separated and almost impossible to put together without a great deal of effort .
17 It 's a way of sharing information amongst a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons , information which previously would have been separated and almost impossible to put together without a great deal of effort .
18 They may be content to put up with a certain proportion of customer complaints for a given volume of business .
19 There is a real feel here for a developing area of research , which avoids giving a misleading impression that the current state of the art provides any ultimate answers , handed down on tablets of stone from above .
20 So , the tree which from which bows used in the Battle of Agincourt could have been fashioned seems set to live on for a few more generations yet .
21 Sometimes , such defences can be almost impossible to break down on a person-to-person level .
22 It may be appropriate to end up with a net present value ( NPV ) calculation for all types of investment , but obtaining the correct decision may depend far more on recognizing the differences , in nature and importance , of the underlying factors which will affect the projected cash flows .
23 A colonic mucosal biopsy obtained at endoscopic follow up from a non-inflammatory bowel disease patient with a colonic polyp was also positive for M paratuberculosis .
24 You are supposed to sit up with a straight back .
25 But the assumption that all morality means sexual morality is too widespread to go down without a few squawks of protest .
26 Now the deal looks likely to go through at a whopping $7.5 billion , about $110 a share .
27 At the same time it should be recognized that the Library 's exhibitions in their present form are likely to appeal only to a limited audience .
28 However , he was unfortunate to come up against a finely-tuned Remittance Man last March and , although Katabatic ran a cracker , mounting a ferocious challenge up the final climb , he was held by a length at the line .
29 However , connections were unfortunate to come up against a fine-tuned Remittance Man last March and , although Katabatic ran a cracker , mounting a ferocious challenge up the final climb , he was held by a length at the line .
30 IBM is promising to come up with a cost-efficient CMOS microprocessor-based 390 in the second half of the year .
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