Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This entirely new production , due to go on to the Royal National Theatre in London , remains true to the essence of Lorca 's play , and as vibrant as the heat and colours of ‘ the land of sun and shadow ’ .
2 The former James Bond star got stagefright only weeks before the curtain was due to go up on the original West End show and made a shock exit .
3 ( e ) Limited contracting-out It may still be possible to contract out of the implied obligations owed under supply contracts .
4 Though it is possible to trace a system of remedies outside the court structure back a thousand years ( Wraith and Hutchesson , 1973 ) , it is unnecessary to go back beyond the National Insurance Act 1911 for an historical background to modern tribunals .
5 However , it should be recognised that while it is possible to analyse costs retrospectively to the individual patient , it is not possible to plan prospectively for the individual patient .
6 As a source of information , the return collates much that should have been delivered for registration when the relevant transactions occurred , so that a searcher may find it unnecessary to search back beyond the latest annual return on the file .
7 It is possible to go on with the same therapist to deal with the problems which caused you to need the regression experience in the first place .
8 If you consistently — and by that I mean once or twice daily — follow this waist plan you will feel and see a definite toning up of the whole line .
9 Erm , I 'm sorry to come back to the central overheads er again , but erm it , considering that the other income largely related to ninety one , I 'm a little unclear why the central costs went down , I ca n't believe there 's been any salary cuts at
10 I think Chris Patten is right to stand up to the Chinese , even though it may make very little difference in the end .
11 To my mind none of the evidence , general or specific adds much to the inherent probability that men and women of a certain age will be inclined by nature to favour the status quo .
12 The second axillary articulates partly with the preceding sclerite and , as a rule , partly with the base of the radius ( see p. 60 ) .
13 It is possible to jump in at the deep end , buy a farm , and teach yourself , learning by your mistakes .
14 Use of mundic tailed off in the Fifties .
15 The best leys , such as the alignment of the Devil 's Arrows standing stones in Yorkshire with the Thornborough Henges , pass their tests well , but the statistical models used are still not entirely adequate to cope fully with the real distribution of sites in the landscape .
16 She would have got soaked had they stayed any longer , and Ven was quite right to see it was not sensible to amble around in the pouring rain .
17 However , she was prepared to go along with the advisory teacher 's point of view in the sessions and reassured herself concerning her own fears by using whole-class lessons to reinforce what she felt pupils should have discovered .
18 ‘ It 's funny to sit here in the warm sunshine , and think of all that going on here over the centuries . ’
19 If your conscience allows you to say that you really are stuck at some point do n't be afraid to pass on to the next paragraph .
20 And whatever the scholars of the sixteenth , seventeenth , and eighteenth centuries may have said or thought in private , there were very few who were prepared to come out into the open and publish opinions directly at variance with Holy Writ .
21 This was a surprising development ; Derry had a relatively weak Labour movement and had too small a population to create a sizeable pool of individuals who were prepared to stand out against the political and social attitudes of the majority .
22 And it 's definitely a hands-on session — toddlers are free to leap about during the hour-long class .
23 But there was a limit beyond which the furtherance of working-class interests conflicted with the national interest ; few were prepared to advance there in the first two years of the war .
24 But it would be wrong to stress either in the middle ages or in the sixteenth century — the significance of parliamentary opposition .
25 intended to stay , because the immediate reaction to something like that happening is n't necessarily erm , all bad , I mean people are quite glad that they are still alive and they 're quite prepared to put up with the possible fallout of the consequences of that so that they can stay in their own homes .
26 Bricks , old tiles , new tiles , quarry tiles , Mexican , French or Spanish tiles , ceramic tiles , slate and even marble facing all look spectacular — provided , of course , that you are prepared to put up with the clattering noise from chairs being pulled up to the table and pushed back .
27 This ensures that they would not be prepared to renegotiate back to the original agreement .
28 The question that Englishmen yes , and Englishwomen must decide is whether or not they are prepared to knuckle under to the unspeakable creep Mathews , the demented McLachlan and the absurd Bottomley .
29 The passionate concern for their fellow countrymen shown by the French contrasted sharply with the stiff upper lip of the British .
30 If a firm is operating in a good , competitive market then , notwithstanding the problems associated with accounting measurements , profit does give an indication of how well it produced goods : the market was willing to pay more for the finished goods than it cost the firm to produce them , if the firm made a profit .
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