Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 The council 's chief executive , Alan White , warned that without the catalyst of Safer City funding it was unlikely that organisations involved in the partnership would be willing to continue their efforts on the crime fighting front .
2 There was a growing feeling that the second minister on the Circuit should be free to concentrate his energies on the Edenderry district and that in fact the No 2 Manse should be at should be at this end of the town .
3 It would be far more sensible to concentrate his thoughts on the lovely girl at his side .
4 Farm workers have found themselves working more often alongside their employer and the farmer in turn is often more willing to consult his workers on the day-to-day management of the farm .
5 I would be interested to hear your views on the Macmerry — Whitecraig route , and look forward to hearing from you .
6 It is my belief that the people who are willing to put their lives on the line , we , are patriotic .
7 and er it would of been impossible to rest your feet on the rail them performing the most uncomfortable
8 The Regia Aeronautica was quick to reclaim its airfields on the island , and by mid May the force assembled there was once more quite impressive : ( *the Reggiane Re 2000s were a test batch of the first pre-production examples of this little monoplane fighter . )
9 To enable as many as possible to run their lives on the basis of the manageable commitment which was the essence of the new orthodoxy , credit had to be available from a variety of sources from which each could make his choice to suit his circumstances .
10 If total patient care is practised , the learner is able to report her observations on the progress of the patient and learn first-hand about future care .
11 It is only by being so that he is able to concentrate his efforts on the detailed articulation of the paradigm and to perform the esoteric work necessary to probe nature in depth .
12 At least for the moment , Scapula was able to concentrate his forces on the western frontier , which now extended to the Wye and the Severn .
13 Unsurprisingly , it was a subject that frequently cropped up at the dinner table , especially when visitors were present and Sir Gregory was able to pick their brains on the latest news from Rome , Paris or Madrid .
14 ‘ I was deeply grateful for our conversation yesterday morning and being able to pick your brains on the subjects was an immense help .
15 HaL is unlikely to sell its chips on the open market .
16 HaL is unlikely to sell its chips on the open market .
17 Today it is a relatively minor part of the sterling parallel money market due to many Finance Houses obtaining bank status , and therefore able to raise their funds on the sterling inter-bank market .
18 She was fortunate in that her income came from a family trust fund , so Ralph had never been able to get his hands on the capital .
19 Unfortunately , Jessica was not able to lay her hands on the flags , which had been put somewhere among the jumble in the attic .
20 You may also be able to store your notes on the equivalent of index cards on a computer ( in a database , or in word-processing document files ) .
21 My companions hurried on , desperate to get their hands on the seven hundred thousand pounds in gold which lay somewhere under the tree 's shadows .
22 Sweet used the best figures available to make his calculations on the issue , which he said was clouded by " disinformation " .
23 When Awlad Amira took control of the popular committees a few months later , ousting Mannaia from office , Umar al-Abairsh and his supporters alleged that they could have done so only with Tibbu support ; they said only Awlad Amira , poor and unenterprising , would stoop so low to get their hands on the administration : Awlad Amira denied establish the truth of such allegations : Awlad Amira denied them , as they would ; Tibbu pointed to their political inactivity , their poverty and lack of numbers , and their peacefulness ( except under provocation ) , suggesting that Mannaia were scarcely dispassionate when they talked about the results of elections .
24 That this House urges Her Majesty 's Government to use the decision to postpone the passage of the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill as an opportunity to make a fresh start with the future development of the EEC and in particular concentrate its efforts on the chosen agenda of the British presidency which is to extend the borders of the EEC and to create a fully competitive Common Market .
25 Both of them found it difficult to express their feelings on the war , except in the third person , so strong were their views .
26 It was difficult to keep their feet on the ground when they read about themselves in the newspapers :
27 LINFIELD fans anxious to get their hands on the club 's new-look kit will have to wait .
28 ‘ It might be quite fun to hear his views on the whole phenomenon of fashion , ’ Alex said , thinking aloud .
29 PICCADILLY CIRCUS It may be wise to keep your eyes on the traffic , but when you 've reached the island , look up to the Spectacolor board above the corner of Haymarket and Coventry Street .
30 The Persian put his hands on the wall .
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