Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It may also be possible to claim damages against a local authority for negligently failing to ensure that construction work complied with the relevant building regulations .
2 My dealer says I am doing all the right things and that it 's fairly usual to lose fish with a new tank .
3 By accepting that there is a market and career structure for the Administrative Assistant as well as the Shorthand Secretary , it is possible to treat Shorthand as an optional subject rather than as a major core element .
4 If you find it confusing to work cables from a written description , try following our step-by-step photographs above
5 It would be possible to absorb provocation into a wider notion of ‘ extreme emotional disturbance ’ , as the American Model Penal Code does , so that the key to mitigation would be the extent of the defendant 's psychological disturbance at the time of the killing rather than the reasons for it .
6 It is now possible to infer pH with a standard error of about 0.3 pH units .
7 It would appear foolish to confirm existence of a spiritual state .
8 The ANC indicated that it was prepared to meet Inkatha at a multiparty meeting in the context of the National Peace Accord [ see p. 38422 ] , but expressed unwillingness to hold bilateral talks , arguing that previous meetings had failed to produced effective results [ see pp. 37951-52 ] .
9 Even in the early days , when wage differentials between the two cities were not great , the Edinburgh compositors were considered by their Glasgow colleagues to be lacking in spirit : " The printers [ i.e. compositors ] of Edinburgh had the unenviable reputation of being willing to accept work at a reduced rate in almost any town in the United Kingdom before 1840 . "
10 Nor , in tight labour markets , would they find the workers willing to accept employment on a temporary basis .
11 His view is that since there was little chance of a fascist state being formed in Britain the Labour Party ought to have been prepared to tackle fascism in a militant way and to strike a blow against the constitutional approach to politics which simply strengthened capitalism .
12 The takeover battle produced an outcome , which was , at the time , the largest ever bid for a British based company by a foreign one .
13 There may be a general tendency to exaggerate ; couples seem to be more willing to abandon expectations of a third child than they are to opt for a third child after stating an earlier preference for two .
14 Such a state should be oriented towards a market economy , property and political pluralism and the upholding of human and civil rights ; it should be willing to resolve problems in a peaceful manner without the use of force and without the imposition of unilateral decisions .
15 Yeah their their funding tends to be they 'll they 'll fund something like a production or they 'll say at you know if you put our name up were give you so much or General Portfolio perhaps will will fund a particular show or a series of show 's or say were prepared to put a thousand pounds could you name six shows and we 'll put our name on those show 's when they 're advertised but no company or other Council 's actually prepared to come along and say were prepared to put money on a regular basis .
16 Like all successful businessmen , John was willing to delegate responsibility to a trusted circle of people while he developed new contacts .
17 Jean-Paul thinks the French brought prosperity to a poor country , and he goes on believing it because he takes care never to set foot outside the European quarter .
18 King Edward visited several times when shooting parties and other entertaining took place on a lavish scale .
19 It may be asked whether , since a grasp of general principles is what is evidently needed , and an ability to connect together ideas derived from different disciplines , it would not be sensible to teach philosophy as a separate subject at school .
20 484 , W told A that he was willing to pay £100,000 for a certain farm .
21 ( paras.2.6 , 4.2 ) I belong to the 40% who would be willing to pay £10 for a national permit , but I appreciate the problems of administration and enforcement , which probably means that Option A is the more practical alternative .
22 It would be wrong to regard consent as a one-off act of identification .
23 They would even be prepared to take Rosy on a one-year loan period , if that suited the player and Liverpool .
24 Will the Prime Minister take time this week to write to the broadcasting authorities to say that he is willing to take part in a live , televised debate between the party leaders during the next general election campaign ?
25 As we shall see , it is often difficult to specify ‘ relevant environments ’ and , even more fundamentally , to define the input to a given variable ; Labov 's suggestion that it might sometimes not be possible to define variables as a closed set of variants is particularly relevant to syntactic variation ( see chapter 7 ) .
26 And tomorrow TI 's finance team it due to visit Cheltenham for a close inspection of the company it now owns .
27 Imran , 39 , who first injured his right shoulder during pre-World Cup matches in Australia , is due to lead Pakistan on a five-Test tour of England beginning in early May .
28 With this technique it is possible to restrict activation to a few cells and , by simultaneously monitoring single unit activity through a nearby recording electrode , establish the extent of spread of effective stimulation .
29 Even when you have decided a broad direction , and I should emphasize that it is only possible to set ambitions in a broad sense and only helpful so to do , there will inevitably come times when external events show that one has made a false assessment of one 's starting point or the ability of one 's competitors , known or unsuspected , to seize the initiative .
30 Personally run by the Ludovici family , here there are just 30 rooms so it is easy to provide guests with an individual and attentive service .
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