Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Built in an age of faith , the tower had stood as a symbol , too , of that final unquenchable hope that even the sea would yield up her dead and that their God was God of the waters as he was of the land .
2 It is a long-established fallacy that both the cuvée and the taille are officially divided into three : the first , second and third cuvées and the first , second and third tailles .
3 This has the apparently anomalous result that both the policeman and the defendant are using force lawfully .
4 I agree with my hon. Friend that perhaps a moral can be drawn from that .
5 There is clear evidence that both the pervasiveness and seriousness of soccer violence have been exaggerated : ‘ The plain fact is , the great majority of spectators who attend football matches are unlikely to ever witness an instance of personal assault let alone be the victim of one ’ ( Melnick , 1986:9 ) .
6 The best speech synthesisers are capable of producing speech of such high quality that only an expert can distinguish it from a recording of a human being 's speech ; less sophisticated synthesisers are becoming so cheap that they can now be bought for attaching to ordinary micro-computers .
7 He had never cried when he was struck , and Boyd felt with a desolate pang that probably the boy was wiser and braver than he was .
8 The latter belief explicitly rejects consistency as a virtue in its own right , while the former demands a balancing of public interests against those of the particular defendant in the light of moral judgements that only the magistrate is qualified to make .
9 Taken to extremes , a Bonsai pine , cherry or plum can embrace many more elements than a mere dwarfed tree might at first suggest to the Westerner : antiquity , continuity ( the best examples have been cared for by successive generations ) , and symbolic qualities that only a study of Zen can fully bring home .
10 Mrs Hatton , even more expertly , kept it under a piteous control that only a brute would have the brashness to disregard .
11 The contents of Duncan Sandys ' White Paper were judiciously leaked during March ; a standard Whitehall ploy based on the well-founded assumption that neither the market nor the media like to be taken by surprise .
12 So we are faced with the amazing fact that neither the insistence on English superiority nor a savage level of English military aggression was enough to produce widespread , let alone total , resistance by a people who for well over two centuries had determinedly and successfully resisted both .
13 Tears were a kind of emotional richness that only a man who was really warm and human could afford .
14 Between 1346 and 1348 , and again , after the visitation of the Black Death , between 1356 and 1358 , the people of Reims completed the construction of their city 's defence , with the gratifying effect that even the king of England , Edward III himself , could not force an entry in the early winter of 1359–60 .
15 If your experiment involves other people ( e.g. if you are comparing different readers ' responses ) , you need to consider ethical issues which arise , including ( a ) getting their permission to use the results ; ( b ) showing them the results and explaining them ; ( c ) not using their names when you report the experiment ( even if they have given permission for this , there is unlikely to be any point ) ; ( d ) the ethical problem that sometimes an experiment is best conducted if the test subjects do n't know what it is for ; that is , if there is a " secret agenda " .
16 It is appalling to hear a doctor describe , with the detailed anatomical knowledge that only a doctor can have , exactly what happened to his poor body when he was tortured ceaselessly , unendingly , with just short gaps to let him regain consciousness , for weeks on end .
17 There was ample evidence that neither the Comintern nor the local Communists had abandoned the aim of changing Labour 's programme and capturing its machine .
18 When the decision comes to plant a new church , one of the great joys that initially the team finds is that of intimacy with one another : a true fellowship .
19 PAMELA : I have a great desire that whenever the day is , it may be on a Thursday .
20 There remained doubts over implementing the accord , particularly because right-wing factions in the military and the wealthy ruling oligarchy had not been party to the talks , and because hardline elements within the FMLN might not accept the dropping of a previous key demand that either the army be disbanded or its ranks be reduced and the remainder merged into those of the guerrillas .
21 The most enduring damage done by the Spycatcher litigation to the rule against prior restraint was the emergence of a legal doctrine that once a secrecy injunction has been granted against one newspaper , every other section of the media becomes effectively bound by its terms , on pain of punishment for contempt : " The Guardian " ran a news story which briefly referred to certain allegations made by Peter Wright in " Spycatcher " .
22 What John " auntres " , by contrast , is a trick he must know from elsewhere — he decides to try out what he can have learnt only from a fabliau such as the related English , French , Dutch , Italian and German examples , banking on the sure expectation that either the miller or his wife will eventually get out of bed to allow the plot to be fulfilled .
23 It believes that everything in the world is related to everything else in such an intimate way that only the whole is , can be said to be real , and only by seeing everything in its associated network of the whole to which it belongs , of the complete whole to which it belongs , can it be understood .
24 It is the persistent belief that whenever the religion involved a ‘ god ’ to be worshipped , which was almost invariably , that ‘ god ’ had to be an extraterrestrial being over whom mankind has absolutely no control .
25 For too long now , she had been starved of one particular need , the kind a respectable woman should not dwell on for too long , a deep-down need that only a man could satisfy .
26 Independence may be a reality in fact if not in name , but it contradicts the dream of a united China that both the Kuomintang and the communists of Beijing hold dear — so dear that China has always threatened to use force if Taiwan declared independence .
27 Between the farmhouse mob and the purveyors of alcoholic lemonade is a hinterland inhabited by giants such as Dixie of Bristol , who used to travel West Country fairs selling his wares from a thatched Ford Transit van ; and Dunkertons which produces subtle , bright and preservative-free ciders that even the Boy Nigel admits are like the real thing , only better .
28 EVERTON 'S season is in such dire straits that only a magician in the mould of Paul Daniels can rescue them from big trouble now .
29 ‘ Well , my friend , it 's a happy fact that not every collector would wish to advertise the fact that he 's been fooled .
30 You have already noticed in your SAS practice of up-to-time sentences that sometimes the mouth seems to open more noticeably than at others .
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