Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The usual scramble for the bathroom in the morning , cycling through the sunny streets to the shop , serving cakes and pies and bread all day , then cycling home and the rush to prepare for a dance or a visit to Sarah .
2 The first occasion was in the early 1980s when it and the Stock Exchange spent three years trying to develop an automated settlements system for the gilts market before the Bank took over total responsibility for the project in 1985 to develop what has become the highly effective Central Gilts Office .
3 Prim suits for the races in sober colours open to reveal linings and blouses in vivid Indian bright silks ; glacial evening gowns in iced blues , apricots and silver epitomise restrained good taste .
4 A comparison of turn-lengths reveals a marked contrast between the weariness he implicates here and his uncontainable enthusiasm for the subject in scene four .
5 Two external factors suggest possible reasons for the increase in numbers .
6 Two external factors suggest possible reasons for the increase in numbers .
7 Suggest possible reasons for the increase in the velocity of circulation .
8 This makes it important to select the right measure for the purpose in view .
9 The Habsburg government in particular had a great reputation for its skill in this respect and maintained offices for the purpose in Liège , Brussels , Frankfurt and Regensburg , as well as in Vienna .
10 The war was a dislocating experience for the group in other ways too , disrupting families , interrupting working careers , sometimes precipitating emigration .
11 As mentioned in the previous section , there are sound reasons for the slowdown in big-city population decline .
12 AA signed unqualified audits for the thrift in 1984 and 1985 , but in 1986 and 1987 noted that the state 's precarious economy made the thrift 's property investments risky .
13 There was much public sympathy for the miners in general , however rebarbative the personality and creed of Arthur Scargill himself .
14 The SDLP 's public support for the Tories in the 1987 General Election caused its former leader , Gerry Fitt to comment : ‘ I would not vote for the SDLP because it is not a socialist party …
15 This , in itself , would appear to present a further anomalous dilemma for the Association in that last year , Tretorn signed a three year agreement with the LTA Trust to sponsor its Starter programme for schools .
16 Leopold 's own career progressed slowly and unadventurously : by 1758 he had risen up the ranks to become second violin , and also court and chamber composer , and five years later he became deputy kapellmeister ( the German term for the musician in charge of a musical establishment ) .
17 The speeches by and in support of the hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West raised important questions of principle that govern three important matters : first , the need for open justice ; secondly , the provision of proper opportunities for the defence in criminal proceedings to deploy the case on which the defence relies ; and thirdly , the issue on which we focused most , the effect of the existence of those rights on third parties who necessarily can play no part in the proceedings and who consequently have no immediate opportunity to defend themselves or their reputations .
18 Although both approaches argue that the only solution to the problem is the ultimate replacement of capitalism by a more socialist and pacifist economic and political system , these two approaches offer different explanations for the increase in military expenditure and the close interrelationship between the military , industry and the state
19 A FISH merchants ' leader last night blamed illegal landings of black fish by Scottish and English boats for the collapse in quayside prices which has sparked an outcry against imports of foreign fish .
20 The reasons for the declines of mortality and fertility are still not agreed ; nor the relative impact on mortality decline of the conquest of smallpox , the agricultural revolution , or environmental improvement ( Woods and Hinde 1987 ) ; why infant mortality fell in the eighteenth century but not in the nineteenth ; economic versus cultural explanations for the decline in fertility .
21 Ramsey confessed that they had done a lot of harm and ought to apologize but said that the best of them were trying to , and that the Church of England ought to apologize to the high churchmen for the way in which it sometimes treated them .
22 It is our values and not our limited means which prevent us from recognizing that our society possesses adequate resources for the task in hand .
23 We must set some guiding principles for the way in which we run our business , worldwide .
24 Others include dealing with the disputed areas , the resettlement of the dispossessed and , and a very important point , adequate rights for the minorities in Yugoslavia .
25 I am grateful to the right hon. Gentleman for the way in which he presented his case to me , although I hope that he did not take away from our meeting any belief that I was totally persuaded by the argument that he put forward .
26 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for the way in which he expressed his sympathy and that of his party and his revulsion at the events that have occurred .
27 If it seems husband or children are paying a high price for the caring in other ways this is difficult .
28 The position will , therefore , be very similar to that described for ransom strips in that the adjoining owner may demand a high price for the land in question or even refuse to sell .
29 The fragmentation and inequities of prewar arrangements were highlighted in 1937 by an influential report from the Department of Political and Economic Planning but it took the Second World War and the Beveridge Report of 1942 to change perceptions sufficiently to legitimise a greatly enhanced role for the state in the provision of health care .
30 We will support an enhanced role for the UN in peace-keeping and combating state-sponsored terrorism .
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