Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] which [pers pn] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I appeal to Dr Kennedy to begin open-minded consultations which he should have initiated last December . ’
2 That this can be done is borne out in practice , and it is sometimes noted that , in the course of treatment for some long-standing chronic condition , patients will re-experience old symptoms which they may have forgotten about .
3 She has been discovered by the feminists , who have rescued her from being seen as a minor pastoralist ; but in certain cases , they have also subject her to psycho-symbolic sexual analysis which she would have loathed , or blamed her for not having cared more for sexual politics or stood out for lesbian sexuality .
4 Alix , who had no idea of what the gossip was to be about , but who could sense its ominous crackling in the distance , wanted to go home , but tiresomely Brian , the party-hater , had managed to find his old friend Otto Werner and was deep in conversation about English social class , European intellectuals , the German education system , public schools , and the appointing of JPs and magistrates , a rich vein which they might have been able to explore for another hour at least , had Alix not been at their elbow , murmuring of departure .
5 In the interbank market , banks offer surplus deposits which they might have to other banks .
6 Obviously you can have photocopies or laser prints copied on to this material , but I have here some pens and a box of blank acetates which you will have the opportunity later to use if you so wish .
7 As for those stubborn areas which you may have thought beyond the reach of any cleaner — the stained or mouldy grouting round the back of the basin , the bath and the shower , plugholes and taps — you 'll find that the Steamatic 's powerful cleaning action makes a tremendous difference .
8 But here , precisely , is the problem ; even ( or especially ) from this radical perspective , the women 's behaviour is seen as inauthentic , not truly transgressive : in their use of men 's clothing and the dildo they were trying to imitate precisely that masculine order which they should have been escaping or at least repudiating .
9 If the plaintiff has been unable to work at all up to the date of the trial , his loss will be the entire net remuneration which he would have earned ; if for a period he has been able to earn something , but not as much as he would have earned had he not been injured , his loss for that period will be the net difference between what he has earned and what he would otherwise have earned .
10 From large carpet areas to those tricky areas which you may have thought impossible to get really clean — the Steamatic enables you to clean them all with the minimum of fuss .
11 As emphasised in an Equal Opportunities Commission report , just because people are doing a good job which they may have chosen to do , does not mean they should be ignored and left to cope alone :
12 It would have been defeat over what I now knew for certain was a perfectly reasonable and legal procedure which I would have found hard to handle .
13 The defendant submitted , consistently with the conduct of the defence at the trial , that the trial judge ought not to have excluded his evidence , or any other admissible evidence which he could have elicited by cross-examination , tending to show that Paulette was addicted to drugs in the form of cocaine and ganja cigarettes , the defendant 's object being to show that Paulette 's conduct just before the shooting rendered more credible the now irrelevant defence of provocation and the defence of accident .
14 Changing dates , numbers travelling or holiday type are major changes which we may have to treat as cancellation and subsequent re-booking .
15 Upon a sale of land the purchaser is normally entitled to have produced to him and to investigate the deeds recording previous transactions in the land going back for fifteen years ( Law of Property Act 1969 : formerly the period was thirty years ) ; and though this period is sometimes reduced by agreement , the shortening of the period throws a risk on the purchaser , who is not only bound by all legal interests in the land which actually exist whether he discovers them or not , but also by all equitable interests which he would have discovered if he had insisted on an investigation for the longer period .
16 It could have resisted payment , and the revenue had no means other than the taking of legal proceedings which it might have used to enforce payment .
17 Between the Arch and the back of the Admiralty proper runs a small unnamed side-street which I must have passed a hundred times without really noticing .
18 The fact that the plaintiff may have a cast-iron claim against his own solicitor for the full damages which he could have recovered against the defendant , is only one and not an overriding factor .
19 The physical contact which He must have had with them when reclining at table ( compare John 13:25 ) and which He obviously never dreamed of disallowing ( Luke 7:38 , 39 ) must have made them feel clean and acceptable ’ ( Nolan 1976:39 ) .
20 Later , confronted with the ambiguously dominating Attwater who kings it over the natives on his atoll , one of them ‘ broke into a piece of the chorus of a comic song which he must have heard twenty years before in London : meaningless gibberish that , in that hour and place ’ , seemed hateful as a blasphemy : ‘ Hikey , pikey , crikey , fikey , chillinga — wallaba dory . ’
21 Against such a background he perceives , in terms echoed a year later by Michael Young , that the eleven-plus is ‘ likely to cause the working-classes now to lose many of the critical tentacles which they would have retained years ago and that a new caste system might prove to be at least as rigid as the old ’ .
22 Provided that the authority adopts a meaning which is reasonable or has a rational basis the courts could accept that interpretation , even if it did not accord with the precise meaning which they would have ascribed .
23 In the UK , Sun Microsystems ' drive to flush out some of the value-added resellers which it says do n't actually offer any value-add ( UX No 399 ) , will take the form of a new contract which they 'll have to sign to become authorised VARs .
24 Those concrete ornaments which you may have put into your pond wo n't help either .
25 She will need twice-daily doses of an anti-rejection drug which she will have to take for the rest of her life .
26 First , there are things which might or would have happened as consequences of some other action which he might have done instead .
27 There are many facts about the remote past and the remote future which we shall have no means ever of recognizing or verifying .
28 Apart from the huge expense of acceding to the health workers ' demands , defeat for the Government would have brought in its train a series of demands from other workers which it would have found hard to resist . …
29 This introduced important changes : it removed the requirement that the Court should seek to return the parties to the financial position which they would have been in had their marriage not broken down ; it required the Court to give ‘ first consideration ’ to the welfare of any child of the family ; and it contained a number of provisions designed , in appropriate cases , to emphasise the importance of the parties seeking to become self-sufficient after divorce .
30 The Department may make allowances for other expenses which you may have for the upkeep of the property .
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