Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] of [adj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Such visions can be utilised at all levels within an organisation and are not the sole prerogative of those at the top .
2 I 'd have been very happy playing an old lady of ninety at the age of fifteen .
3 The social origin of those at the ‘ summit ’ of the state apparatus is that of the ruling class .
4 LIMA — Peru is to propose the expulsion of Panama from the so-called group of Eight at the third summit of Latin American presidents beginning today because of the refusal of its military dictator , General Antonio Noriega , to institute democracy , writes Simon Strong .
5 We 've got a typical example of that at the moment .
6 Expulsion of the women 's group would mean a significant drop in the total membership of 500,000 at a time when numbers joining are declining .
7 Expulsion of the women 's group would mean a significant drop in the total membership of 500,000 at a time when numbers joining are declining .
8 For their UK data ADD carried out such a test and obtained a test statistic of 17.93 which has to be compared with a critical chi-square value of 15.5 at the 5 per cent level and 20.1 at the 1 per cent level , with 8 degrees of freedom .
9 The island and its neighbour Warbah have been claimed by Iraq in the past and may well have been among Iraq 's objectives in mounting the invasion a year earlier , although there was no strong evidence of this at the time .
10 Superstars in search of role models ; Bette Midler is developing a biography of Berlin chanteuse and Kurt Weill wife/collaborator Lotte Lenya , Barbra Streisand does the same for pioneer Time photographer Margaret Bourke-White , and one-time Billie Holliday Diana Ross produces and stars in one of three current versions of Naked At The Feast , '20s Folies Bergere legend Josephine Baker 's biography .
11 I know that today is Saturday because already I am thirsty for a dry , hoppy pint of bitter at the end of the afternoon : an aperitif to sharpen my appetite for this evening 's Indian meal .
12 The church had been partly demolished by a devastating gale in the 1930s , to the secret relief of the Church Commissioners who had been considering what to do with a building of absolutely no architectural merit serving a congregation at the major festivals of six at the most .
13 Our unconscious acknowledgement of this at the time lay in taking up as little space as possible , not being a nuisance .
14 Based on the example of the Great Exhibition of 1851 at the Crystal palace , the Paris venture was an enormous success and the splendid summer season was brought to a brilliant close by the State Visit of Victoria and Albert .
15 We have observed that plasmid pFRC64 , relaxed at 100 mM KCl ( optimum for topoisomerase I ) , acquires a superhelical density of -0.006 at the ionic conditions used in the transcription assays ( not shown ) .
16 THE spectacularly ambitious plan by the Welsh Rugby Union to raise funds with a massed male-voice choir of 10,000 at the National Stadium in Cardiff next month is well under way .
17 For example , Mrs Moreen 's remark " And all overclouded by this , you know- all at the mercy of a weakness " ( 9 ) has the anaphoric repetition of all at the beginning of successive clauses , and has two banal colloquial metaphors in the expressions " overclouded " and " at the mercy of " .
18 The impressive bulk of 762 at the Pleasure Beach , showing its new bogies which were prototypes for those on the new Centenary class .
19 " Scald a sufficient quantity of fruit , and pulp it through a sieve , add sugar agreeable to taste , make a thick layer of this at the bottom of your dish : mix a pint of milk , a pint of cream , and the yolks of two eggs : scald it over the fire , observing to stir it : add a small quantity of sugar , and let it get cold : then lay it over the apples or gooseberries with a spoon , and put on the whole a whip [ a syllabub ] made the day before .
20 He said : ‘ It 's probably the most worrying threat of all at the minute and we have to find it .
21 An agreement was obtained to run a small dedicated number of these at the higher speed .
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