Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] go on in [art] " in BNC.

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1 That does n't mean you disregard adult commitments and disregard that there is some really shitty stuff going on in the world right now .
2 Since there were 15 strategies , there were 15 x 15 , or 225 separate games going on in the computer .
3 and they found a lot of , you know , serious crimes going on in the Party and stuff
4 But in other parts of the Midlands , and indeed the country , the search is on to find the houses with high erm we have quite large programmes going on in the south west and also in the Pennines , Scotland .
5 Yes , I think for a lot of people that 's true and I do n't denigrate that because I think a lot of good work goes on in the Women 's Institute , but what we are particularly interested in is in the professional craftsman , the craftsman who has trained for a number of year to produce extremely good work , and what we try to do is to make that work more available to the public in a number of ways .
6 There were all sorts of busy monkish things going on in the courtyard of the monastery of Saint Sacco Benedetto .
7 On the other hand , every teacher has a professional obligation to understand the key conversations going on in the research community .
8 So someone suddenly said , ‘ There 's a really terrific game going on in the square in Granada , ’ and we were just waiting and then Brynner said , ‘ Of course , I 'm the South American callot champion . ’
9 He 's got to fulfil all three roles , and the more managerial work going on in the office , the harder it is to find the time to do the work for the clients , which is what produces the fees .
10 Two minor ‘ quakes shook Yokohama during our conference — as if there were not enough earth-moving activity going on in the plenary sessions !
11 Who knew what strange rites went on in the savage mountains beyond Tirana , what musical instruments they played , where mad King Zog had ruled .
12 ‘ I know from other work going on in the south of Shetland that 10 per cent of the residents there remain concerned about the possibility of major long-term health effects , ’ he said .
13 Now in what what other things go on in the flats that you get involved with ?
14 Er what other things go on in the flats ?
15 It is almost as if Big Brother begrudges us our pleasures and has decided to make us realise there are other things going on in the world other than cricket .
16 In many respects , however , life in a special school is like any other day or boarding school , and it would be wrong to assume that rare and special things go on in a special school .
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