Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] go [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Professor John Ashworth , vice-chairman of the committee of vice-chancellors and principals ( CVCP ) , also urged Mr MacGregor to use ‘ a heaven-sent opportunity to go back to the drawing board and look at the entire issue of how students are supported — grants , loans and fees . ’
2 The ace cyclist went along to the Glover 's Lane Surgery in Netherton to start a week of Health Promotion events .
3 If the right hon. Gentleman goes back to the incidents to which he was referring , he will find that they were not ones that could naturally and immediately be followed by a statement .
4 The primary-school headteacher then ensures that a clear message goes out to the effect that an early , informal , friendly or affectionate discourse in which printed words play a part is a welcome foundation for any school 's reading programme .
5 Scottish graduates went on to the major foreign universities , notably to Paris , and to Cologne , Louvain , Bologna and Montpellier .
6 My parents collected all their copies of Wimpey News and we have back numbers going back to the 1940s .
7 Even Nutty could see what an apathetic beast he was , and her heart contracted suddenly at the thought of their four stupid old horses going back to the knacker 's .
8 Of all Christians , those of the Orthodox family have remained the most conservative , Their cultural roots go back to the Byzantine Empire and there has been no event for them comparable to the Reformation or Vatican II .
9 Although they were public servants answerable to the Home Secretary , the Prison Commissioners had a separate existence going back to the reforms of the late Nineteenth Century .
10 The use of inspectors as a form of central supervision goes back to the Poor Law reform of 1834 .
11 Of course , the concept of a liberal education goes back to the Greeks , and Newman 's lectures and books were only one more interpretation of an idea which as Rothblatt ( 1976 ) clearly shows has demonstrated a remarkable adaptability and longevity .
12 This change of mood was gradual , but the germs of militancy within the deaf community go back to the war years , although the BDDA leadership responded to it only slowly .
13 Despite the fact that spiders are all over the place in Dostoevsky , not just in Svidrigailov 's dirty bathhouse vision of Eternity , and that urban potted plants go back to the beginning in Poor People , we are here firmly inside Crime and Punishment in its abandoned first-person narrative form ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell all ’ ) : Petersburg evenings and their hanging summer light , noises from below , happy workmen , blessed ‘ living life ’ elsewhere , a lonely man in pain passing through gates , over thresholds , slipping up and down staircases , the buzzing By of Raskolnikov 's dream and his awakening , intense time-consciousness alternating with time-oblivion .
14 The pair tied the knot in July , and the last-minute wedding went off to a tee …
15 Hughes , aged29 , has a remarkable record going back to the first women 's World Championships in 1980 including a world gold in 1986 , world bronze in 1987 and two European titles .
16 Early in the First World War substantial numbers of Czech and Slovak troops went over to the Allied side .
17 ( The little road going off to the left here , towards Host a , I certainly do n't advise ; it scared the wits out of me one afternoon , so steep , narrow and broken was it ) .
18 From Gearstones an undisputed path goes down to a footbridge over the stream , here known as Gayle Beck .
19 The left fork goes on to the village of Glenelg and in a field between the two roads a gaunt ruin will be noticed : this in its eighteenth-century heyday was the barracks occupied by Hanoverian troops .
20 Fahey , whose international experience goes back to the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 , when he lost the bronze medal in a jump-off , qualified for last year 's World Cup Final , but decided his horse was not then ready for it .
21 By the time she had got her cases up to the guest room , made the bed up and sorted out her food supplies it was beginning to get dark and , although she had a burning desire to go up to the studio , caution prevailed .
22 The logical crisis went back to the time when he first started to read philosophy as an undergraduate and related to his reading of the English Idealist philosophers , as well as to his return ( for the purposes of passing his exams , and later as a tutor ) to the English empiricists of the eighteenth century .
23 A series of synthetic compounds , with a long pedigree going back to the work of Crum Brown and Fraser in the 1860s ( see chapter 2 ) , were produced simultaneously by R. B. Barlow and H. R. Ing in the Pharmacology Laboratory at Oxford and by W. D. M. ( later Sir William ) Paton and Eleanor Zaimis at the National Institute for Medical Research .
24 The struggle between the Greek and the native Slav influences within the Byzantine Church goes back to the time of Cyril and Methodius , and it continued into the nineteenth century in both the Serbian and Bulgarian churches .
25 The power of the pope to depose an unsatisfactory emperor goes back to the Dictatus Pape of Gregory VII — a power which Innocent preferred to see as a right to inspect , approve and crown , but there is little doubt that it was important in the papal moral armoury .
26 There was an early nineteenth-century firescreen to go back to a house in Trinity Street .
27 He now looks a good bet to go through to the next stage of the competition tomorrow .
28 The Doctor who came to see the poor Doc ( a psychoanalyst and neurological specialist ) said that every neurotic case went back to the childish fear of the father .
29 Det Chief Supt Ken John , co-ordinating the murder inquiry , said : ‘ We feel that we owe it to the gay community to go out to the community and warn individual practising homosexuals who are frequenting various pubs , restaurants and bars in London to be aware that somebody who is prepared to attack their community is about in the city .
30 With Sophie back behind much stronger bars , the intrepid PCs went back to the school yesterday to claim their reward chocolate coins .
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