Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] which [verb] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Come round the side , ’ he said , and I followed him down the tarmac path which was about a yard wide , between the school building and a six-foot wooden fence which isolated the first house in the terrace .
2 The broken promises which littered the first of Mr Lamont 's three-part adaptation of Hard Times is testimony to the depth of crisis which grips both Government and country .
3 By 1983 , he was in charge of the Scotland B team and on the way to forging that illustrious partnership with Jim Telfer which brought a second Grand Slam in 1990 even sweeter than the French game which settled the first six years before .
4 The research builds on an earlier SSRC funded project which produced the first detailed anthropological study of an industrial town in the Scottish lowlands .
5 His concerns are moral and religious , and in certain respects , therefore , although they appear to be out of line with the literary culture of Sidonius and his sixth-century followers , they do look back to the moral response which met the first wave of the barbarian invasions .
6 The second part is a quantitative study which complements the first part .
7 Yorick had discarded the strong rhythms , the simple melodies and the accessible lyrics which characterized the first phase of his career .
8 The tunes were in a slow waltz time but played with that characteristic thump which accentuates the first beat of the bar so strongly as to obliterate everything else , reducing any melodic line to a tribal dance .
9 Indeed , as Maxine Berg has well explained , a feature of those same closing decades which saw the first cotton mills was the spread of such manufactures .
10 No. 147 , in its earliest form , belongs to Bach 's Weimar period ; but for a Leipzig performance in 1723 he added recitatives , the famous chorale which concludes the first and seconds parts of the work , and perhaps the bass aria , too .
11 Quite often it is the clearing banks which make the first move by announcing a base rate change before the Bank alters its intervention rates .
12 Speed got booked for a heavy tackle which prompted the first use of the chant ‘ the referee 's a German ’ .
13 I ca n't see that it matters , for the fact remains that it exemplifies the very finest and most elegant architecture which displays the first burgeoning of the English Renaissance .
14 The original station in Colombo had twin towers which housed the first and second-class booking offices at their bases .
15 In 1849 he had bought a wire-rope business which laid the first permanent transatlantic telegraph cable in 1866 .
16 There is no mistaking the physical menace in the soft but grinding discord which announces Balstrode 's " Look , the storm cone " , or the thrill of fear in his fugue theme " Now the flood tide " [ 7 ] , with its opening minor second , which is picked up by the entire chorus and worked into one of those overwhelming Verdian ensembles which climax the first scene of each act .
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