Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This connection is particularly important at the current time when we know the numbers of women on low income has doubled in the last decade . ’
2 My old English teacher , regretting that retired freedom had coincided with the onset of arthritis , leant on her stick and said : ‘ Do things while you can . ’
3 During the fighting in Beirut large numbers of armed militiamen had appeared on the streets .
4 ‘ Needless to say , no reviews of The Hooded Owl have appeared in the papers today , but from all accounts the play was being very well received when the tragedy occurred .
5 Political discussions had centred on the Gulf crisis and on the recent Arab deaths in Jerusalem [ see p. 37759 ] ; all were able to condemn the latter , and according to the Financial Times of Oct. 11 " the Arab side appeared encouraged by what they [ saw ] as French recent acceptance of some linkage between the Gulf and the Arab-Israeli problem " .
6 The cause for GM 's concern is plain when one realises that its West European operations have emerged as the biggest profit earners in the entire group , accounting for some 37.3 per cent of net income in the last two years but for only 14.6 per cent of group turnover .
7 The Directive is needed because wildlife and habitats have undergone terrible declines in much of Europe and the rate of loss is accelerating ( in the UK , 95% of wild flower meadows , 75% of heaths , and 80% of dry grasslands have gone since the war ) .
8 The European Parliament has called on the EC to ban imports of exotic birds , 1.5 million of which are brought into the continent each year , often in appalling conditions .
9 The Socialist group in the European parliament has called for the EC to set more ambitious targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions .
10 Extremist ideologies have prospered with the ‘ first past the post ’ system , and deeply unsettled our post-war economy — we are bottom of the European economic league in the post-war performance , and the only nation left with an unreformed electoral system .
11 By 1984 , the Prudential Trophy had metamorphosed into the Texaco Trophy , and the first game at Old Trafford contained the finest dish ever served up in a one-day international .
12 Mr Dick Davison , of the Independent Schools Information Service , said a dozen private schools had closed in the last year .
13 The number of parents sending their children to private schools has risen for the eighth year running , despite a downturn in the economy and an upturn in school fees , the Independent Schools Information Service revealed .
14 Before 1945 Korean Marxists had cooperated with the Soviet Union from bases in Soviet far eastern territories and had worked with the Chinese communists at Yenan .
15 Indeed , only one unpublished study has referred to the activities of this group and the concern with which the Board of Deputies of British Jews viewed it .
16 Then of course , then when they the kids went up , did n't know where they were going , and the parents did n't know but they found new found freedom because all the bloody kids had gone to the countryside
17 At the end of the first week Allaf was particularly critical of the Israeli delegation 's tactics , saying that the Israeli delegation had arrived at the talks with a " premeditated determination not to allow any progress " .
18 The extension of the franchise to all adults created a situation in which political parties had to compete for the mass vote and so had to organise the electorate to support their candidates at the polls .
19 Market indicators show that capital values in public houses have fallen in the past two years by between 50 per cent and 60 per cent .
20 What has happened , he suggests , is that capitalism 's tendency to colonise and penetrate segments of social existence has led to the commercialisation and commodification of sexuality , particularly via the shift from production to consumption .
21 In 1949 two German states had emerged from the territory of the old Reich .
22 She is unable to gauge his mood , her feminine antennae have folded for the night .
23 He also used the sea-beet Roger had gathered on the shore in a soup , and packed it into an opera hamper for an alfresco supper at a performance of Don Pasquale at nearby Castle Ward that evening .
24 The range of courses presently available , both advanced and non-advanced , has grown in piecemeal fashion , largely in response to the technological revolution which British agriculture has achieved over the last 30 years .
25 British Rail has turned to the privately-owned North York Moors steam railway at Pickering instead of Brel workshops to repaint six carriages in the colours of Regional Railways .
26 Indeed , the single most important social change to have occurred in the countryside in recent years has concerned the changing social and occupational composition of its population .
27 Of the many factors that contribute to health and wellbeing , the role of social support has come to the fore recently as critical in understanding the relationships between peopleealth and social and material circumstances in which they live .
28 Each shows the wide pad clearly , as well as all five toes and their claws ( longer on the fore foot ) ; and , characteristically , the hind foot has overprinted on the fore .
29 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
30 He remembered coming awake some time earlier , when the hall door had slammed and high heels had clicked down the steps , passing beneath his window .
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