Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] i [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Strange advert I saw in the week it it was erm
2 And I 'll write about the strange talk I had with the Nielsen woman .
3 Even then the kids were calling him Crazy Jake , and I do n't know how many bloody noses I got in the playground , fighting to shut 'em up . ’
4 After three different versions I decided on the plain raincoat shape , tied with a belt . ’
5 Settling myself on the wooden bench I peered through the open slit .
6 And here 's an interesting thing I learned from the Independent on Sunday last weekend : as its correspondent David Lister put it , ‘ An international competition to find the best of the worst new verse has been wound up because poets on both sides of the Atlantic can no longer distinguish between ‘ good bad ’ poetry and ‘ bad good ’ poetry . ’
7 The social worker I had at the time kept coming to see me in Low Newton and saying , ‘ Do you not think it 's best if you get him adopted ? ’
8 But whether man 's inward mind patterning , which provides him with the capacity for verbal language , is underlain by a subtle and universal language of meaning to which we all relate when using verbal language , is an interesting possibility I discussed in The Web of Life .
9 Like you , it 's high time I returned to the real world . ’
10 ‘ There 's some cold beef and a nice fresh loaf I brought from the bakers early this morning , ’ Letty said .
11 As I scrubbed away at my remaining teeth I reflected upon the number of obituaries of men in their early sixties which I 'd read in The Times over the course of the past few weeks , and I wondered whether the Great Reaper was running a special line in the age group for some divine , mysterious end , and if so , I thought , I might be next , and then they 'd be sorry .
12 I want to concentrate on the week in Adelaide in January 1933 that brought it all to a head , and the personal dilemma I faced as the Teuter-Press Association correspondent .
13 ‘ In the very early days I looked at the market and decided one of the things I wanted to do was to build a big PR company because the market suffered from too many small companies .
14 Then the ginger kitten I hid in the garden shed and mother found it and there was a monumental scene and Helen called her a beast ; funny , I can hear it now , mother going on about the kitten and Helen suddenly exploding and mother 's face .
15 In the packed cathedral I looked past the broad , shining black plaits of the campesinas , the little , pert pigtails of the girls , up the aisle at the scarlet and gold draped Virgin , her arms outstretched in benediction beneath her gold pillared arch .
16 But the following morning I awoke to the familiar sound of Chola shouting at the dogs and the dogs ' yelping response .
17 Then I left the surveying surveyor civil engineering I went in the black gang .
18 In early September I went to the wedding of Geoffrey Howe 's daughter , Amanda .
19 Er right welcome back B B C Radio York Whaley 's on until er two this afternoon and before we do anything else er a little bit I saw in the paper , Unions about turn , that 's the shop workers ' union known as USDOR erm have done an about turn and they now say because they saw the writing on the wall , that they think Sunday trading is okay , well more or less .
20 As soon as the morning lessons were over and I had snatched a quick lunch I headed towards the village with my bag .
21 In an effort to develop a unique sound I stumbled across the very first pattern which I discovered I had never played before .
22 With monumental effort I crawled into the shower and soon began to feel better .
23 Lying flat , my naked chest against the cold concrete I fought with the thing till my eyes popped and my breath gave out , but it had not the slightest effect and it made my mind up ; I had to tell him .
24 It certainly made an unusual change from cranberry sauce and was one of the most memorable tastes I experienced in the New World .
25 By the summer of 1978 I 've lost another stone , without meaning to , and the rust-coloured cords I ordered from the catalogue only a month ago are already hanging off me .
26 In order to start at the logical beginning I went with the default selection , Title .
27 After all as I tramped around the hillside barns in the frosty air I was working up a better appetite for my turkey than all the millions lying in bed or slumped by the fire ; and this was aided by the innumerable aperitifs I received from the hospitable farmers .
28 The following account summarizes the factual information I obtained about the prison , as well as the general impressions I gained during the necessarily short time I was able to spend inside it .
29 With equal excitement I entered into the sports side of Oxford .
30 Trying to ignore this assault on my fundamental antinomies I peered at the train set .
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