Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb -s] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The north drives … its pupils back into themselves too soon ; and while the spirit of the fiery Egyptian hurries out into the world , too intent on the journeys in the north the spirit prepares to retire into itself before it is ready to travel .
2 An ill-defined report of a possible murder comes out of the small racing town of Lambourn .
3 A group of British cyclists sets off in the heart of Brussels .
4 Blood-sugar level goes up on the digestion of food .
5 A high concentration builds up in the fish which are a staple part of the Cree and Inuit 's diet .
6 On such a night as this , he told himself , one could believe in ghosts and phantoms , and yet this small , fragile old lady climbs up into the whistling darkness unafraid .
7 When they are in moult they often sit ashore on the rocks , when their dark brown plumage blends in with the dark rocks .
8 Guitarist Dolan is no longer afraid-to-rock , hammering Iron-girder metal riffs on to the FAD groove .
9 Metazoans are virtually absent except in some of the lakes where fresh water seeps in at the edges .
10 The ‘ edges ’ are an almost continuous series of jagged scarps or outcrops where the hard carboniferous sandstone juts out from the softer rock which has been worn away by the elements over millions of years .
11 On the other side of Pottery Bridge , carrying the A639 , a sizable marine vessel sits up on the right bank .
12 The rule that delivery and payment are concurrent conditions ties in with the unpaid seller 's lien ( see Chapter 12 ) which entitles him in the absence of contrary agreement to retain the goods until payment .
13 If the right hon. Gentleman goes back to the incidents to which he was referring , he will find that they were not ones that could naturally and immediately be followed by a statement .
14 When social debate moves out of the classroom and on to the street , teachers can find themselves targeted .
15 The old nun gets out of the bath , leaving a trail of water on the floor as she unlocks the door .
16 Despite extensive modernisation , its inherent air of historical grandeur shines through with the fine wood panelling , oak beams , a splendid staircase , ruined moat and pretty walled garden .
17 The French franc falls out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
18 The primary-school headteacher then ensures that a clear message goes out to the effect that an early , informal , friendly or affectionate discourse in which printed words play a part is a welcome foundation for any school 's reading programme .
19 Wet air blows in from the river , and the light is fading fast .
20 The bar and lounges are furnished in a refined and contemporary style and the charming restaurant spills out onto the terrace under a canopy of trees .
21 The top end finishes up with the three-over-two layout of Gotoh black chrome machines .
22 Pessimistic in the sense that is says people are basically nasty , and if society is to be possible , then nastiness has to be controlled in some way or other , and since human nature is anti-social , social order comes about against the grain of human nature as a rule , has to be imposed on human nature .
23 Green floortiles complement the walls and bathroom linen in a warm burnt orange picks up on the Mediterranean feel .
24 Santa Cruz Operation Inc has launched a developers ' program for independent software vendors who will use its Novell NetWare connectivity product , SCO IPX/SPX : an early release , supporting Streams , is out now — a commercial release goes out in the third quarter .
25 A very steep paths leads down from the summit .
26 So it was without surprise that he found himself sharing with her one of the tinny , open-sided cars of the creaky old funicular that saved tourists the toil of climbing the seven hundred and more steep stone steps up from the Marina Grande .
27 A dreamy , psychedelic feel permeates throughout , which pulls this off-the-wall concept together and makes it stand out as one of the most sensuous British house tracks around at the moment .
28 British Bulldog faces up to the big challenge
29 The convention is for light dots on the screen to represent areas of high sound reflectivity , that is , areas where a greater amount of acoustic energy bounces back to the lens .
30 The primarily agricultural work blends in with the liturgical calendar of the church .
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