Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [is] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , the European Parliament is considering the document and expected to finish its work by the beginning of July .
2 Technical progress is altering the demand for labour .
3 If the Revenue is unwilling to publish an annual list , the only practicable alternative is to base the charge on the cost of the car , since it would be burdensome to expect employers to work out this information for themselves .
4 2 If a pre-operative shave is indicated the Patient may require assistance .
5 Assuming a valid haulage contract has been made and one party is in breach of one or more of the terms , the usual remedy is to sue the party in default for damages .
6 If more specialized expertise is required the solicitor whom you have instructed to act on your behalf may consult , i.e. ‘ brief ’ , a barrister .
7 ‘ To suppose , instead , that we possess criteria of rationality which are independent of our understanding of the essentials of the scientific progress is to open the door to cloud-cuckoo land . ’
8 British Rail is investigating the role of temporary hand-signalling in a head-on crash between two trains at Huddersfield which injured 17 people on Monday night .
9 Nor does it follow that the proper course is to quash the order .
10 However the time taken to re-charge the capacitor is proportional to the charging time constant , so if a high resistance is used the capacitor may not be completely charged when its stored energy is next required .
11 In this area , at least , the would-be functionalist is offered the kind of rich and intricate structure that may match the detailed organization of linguistic structure , and so can be claimed plausibly to stand in a causal relation to it .
12 Where a metric pitch part is used ( certain mains transformers , for instance ) , the 0.1″ grid taped to the light box will have to be ignored if the metric component is to fit the board correctly .
13 Although the effect in any one region is small , the cumulative result is to dim the Sun by a fraction of a per cent , a year or two after solar maximum — just as observed .
14 The Smaller Firms Council of the Confederation of British Industry is to press the Government to introduce changes in court procedures which would speed up the time it takes to pay bad debts .
15 The Confederation of British Industry is to review the provision of finance to small firms by examining the difficulties they face in borrowing .
16 He was concerned here above all to paint a working landscape , not just a decorative one ; and the empty wain is fording the stream to collect more hay from the labourers in the distant field .
17 One very popular experiment is to measure the size and shape of a nucleus , and its intrinsic magnetism. or magnetic moment .
18 The government-backed Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research is to investigate the issue after it carried out a review of 50 recent reports on the longevity of CDs .
19 German industry is scouring the globe for countries where German waste can be recycled .
20 Whatever control method is chosen it must be rigorously adhered to and where specialised equipment is installed the design is all important , as is the correct operation and regular maintenance of such equipment in order to minimise any breakdown and subsequent odour problem .
21 In its submission to the Party Congress , the Ecumenical Council is stressing the need for religious publications and radio and television programmes which are sensitive to Cuban society and culture .
22 A consortium of British Aerospace , GEC-Marconi and British Telecom is to operate the satellite which will beam programmes from space directly to small ‘ dishes ’ on houses and in back gardens .
23 English Nature is discussing the management plan and proposes the readoption of the practice of coppicing .
24 Germany 's needs are not ours and the treatment prescribed for German troubles is killing the rest of us .
25 But the social-security surplus is having the opposite of its intended effect : in helping the government to evade cutting the deficit , it is reducing national savings , and thereby reducing the country 's ability to support future pensioners rather than increasing it .
26 I am grateful for the constructive way in which my hon. Friend is addressing the problem .
27 Rayward has argued that the creation of electronic resources is blurring the distinction between museums , libraries , and archives ( 1993 ) .
28 Another test for postsynaptic changes is to monitor the sensitivity of neurons to the application of agonists before and after the induction of LTP .
29 The West German vessel is considered the world 's most sophisticated conventionally powered submarine , both in combat efficiency and ‘ sustainability ’ or battery storage capacity .
30 So a sensible compromise is to examine the baby to see if there is any obviously treatable cause for its symptoms , and if there is not to advise a treatment for the temperature or diarrhoea , or whatever the baby is suffering from .
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