Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] the time when " in BNC.

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1 She , too , had suffered from Clarissa 's neighbourly concern about the behaviour of her child and was waiting with calm anticipation for the time when Clarissa 's children , who were at present eleven and twelve , should enter puberty .
2 With the VSX4 test suite already announced and starting to ship , X/Open Co is preparing to go public on XPG4 itself , and has set early October as the time when it will spill the beans .
3 If the original parties to a transaction effectively have no other outlet or source once the original contract has been awarded , and they are highly uncertain about the contemporary environment at the time when terms must be renegotiated , an organizational form ( for example a monitoring and control system ) that is tailor-made for that transaction might substantially reduce bargaining costs on each occasion when renegotiation takes place .
4 Problems in this case which require resolution can lie in the need to provide sufficient specialised teaching support together with enough resources and equipment for the individual pupil at the time when they are needed ( Chapman , 1978 ) .
5 The dinosaurs probably lost the race against time , having already lost bipedality and vestigial hands at the time when mammalian-type warm-bloodedness would almost certainly have guaranteed their survival into perpetuity .
6 One can only see such decisions , though , against the social and political conditions of the time when such a choice was made , and in the light of contemporary warfare and weaponry .
7 Contemporary psychology has come a long way from the time when J. B. Watson , the first behaviourist , forbade the consideration of non-observable entities .
8 Mr. Utley submits on behalf of the board that , on the true construction of section 18(1) , power to make an order for payment of costs by the board is only exercisable in favour of a person who is an unassisted party at the time when the relevant proceedings are finally decided , i.e. who is not then receiving legal aid .
9 He started his political career at the time when the Cenomarv of Brixia answered the call to rebellion from the last Punic commander in Italy , Hamilcar .
10 Secondly , the Soviets ' penchant for canvassing exhaustively for the best and cheapest may succeed in these objectives , but at the cost of enormous delay between the time when applications are approved and machinery actually installed .
11 ( d ) That the clause should be construed in context in the light of the factural matrix at the time when the agreement was made .
12 Obviously , there was a quantum leap of some sort in the development of Minoan culture at the time when the temples were built , just as there was a quantum leap when the towns were built .
13 The third is possible changes in meaning which have occurred in certain words since the time when the writing was executed and the present day .
14 ( 2 ) Where an application is made in accordance with Rule 15 by a body which at the date of the application is already recognised under these Rules and the Council has neither granted nor refused a new recognition by the time when the body 's existing recognition would , apart from this paragraph , expire in accordance with paragraph ( 1 ) of this Rule , the existing recognition shall not expire at that time but shall continue in force until a new recognition is granted or refused .
15 It is particularly significant that none of his many critical comments on the book from that period suggest any mixed feelings at the time when the book was actually being planned and written .
16 Naturally Marx started by explaining the historical mechanism and inner working of the social system which dominated the condition of the working class at the time when he wrote on capitalism .
17 The character of the rocks , and their setting in the past geography at the time when they accumulated , diagnoses the climatic setting in which the extinct fauna lived , and climate imposes certain restraints on possible modes of life .
18 A complicating factor in making the provisions relating t settled property has been the inordinate delay between the time when the intention to impose the tax was announced and the date of its becoming law .
19 The Royal Society at the time when the BAAS was founded was a club having a majority of non-scientific members , headed by a Royal Duke .
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