Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Among those noting Xu 's habit of using just one board ( ingredients are so fresh and so quickly prepared that food poisoning is not considered a threat ) is Keith Mitchell , team captain of the British chefs competing at the culinary Olympics in Frankfurt next year , and head chef at the Grand Hotel , Eastbourne , East Sussex .
2 His plan was based on the marine lieutenant landing at the Old Quay slipway in the North Harbour and creating a diversion there , while Jones himself landed , undetected it was hoped , on the south foreshore , put the battery there out of action and then , passing round the town , knocked out the North Battery , before joining up with the other party to burn the shipping in both harbours .
3 Was silly old Eli sitting at the wrong gate ?
4 He saw two German troopers spurring at the second Frenchman .
5 I laughed silently as I sat against a hard cushion in the palm-frond house looking at the brown eyes around me .
6 His unsuccessful serious plays had drawn on the Harold Pinter trick of having two different conversations continuing at the same time , and they were often returned with the comment that he had copied the playwright .
7 She cackled , delighted with the queasy mixture on the plate , hot brown coffee lapping at the pale wedge of sugared pastry .
8 Benchmarking represented a period of enforced introspection beginning at the strategic level and percolating through the organization as the change process progressed .
9 Luther Reynolds clenched the sides of the chair , his large fists curling and uncurling , and his fiery dark eyes glaring at the determined face of David Miller , the stepson he had come to resent with such bitterness that he could taste it .
10 Symptoms were regarded as mere signposts pointing at the real target .
11 Nice , quiet bed , with a cool , cotton pillow for my throbbing brow and a playful breeze puffing at the open window , lifting its frilly skirt like a peeping Tom .
12 A former executive officer with the civil service working at the National Engineering Laboratory , East Kilbride , she was now physically and mentally handicapped .
13 The so-called " excretory system " is very primitive , consisting of a canal within each lateral cord joining at the excretory pore in the oesophageal region .
14 Only the dark Porsche squatting at the far end of the drive gives some indication that a local does not live here .
15 Easily Accessible : The village of Raskelf is a rural community lying at the northern end of the Vale of York , a few miles from the Hambleton Hills which form the southern edge of the North York Moors .
16 This protectiveness has been especially strong in Sian , as before we got here there was an ‘ incident ’ in which an Australian girl teaching at the Foreign Language Institute was attacked and injured ( a fractured scull ) by a son of one of the workers who worked in the Institute .
17 I closed my eyes and thought about the trapped , compressed spring and the little slug sitting at the shiny bottom of the rifled tube .
18 Did you see that one advertising triple glazing at the same time as his double would you believe ?
19 She wore a great deal of make-up at all times , but that day , perhaps just as primitive man might have painted his face as a protection , she was garnished with particularly bright eye colours and lipstick , so that it was a little garish mask staring at the two policemen .
20 CACI are also able to build more advanced studies looking at the specific market sectors that a client may be interested in .
21 But if it 's a world problem , if there are international dimensions to our problems in Britain , or to Kenya 's problems in Kenya , or to Mexico 's Mexican problems in Mexico , then somehow we 've got to have international groups looking at the international aspects of those problems .
22 without any tangible benefit starting at the same day that is your , that is your problem .
23 Parents and staff at school , and local residents who use the crossing , are united in this petition for a pelican crossing to replace the current zebra crossing at the earliest opportunity .
24 However , some skins had long side-burns terminating at the lower jaw .
25 In the city he is just another casual labourer working at the lowest level of urban employment .
26 These examples are relevant in the present context as the equitable no conflict rule is formulated in terms of a " reasonable man looking at the relevant facts and circumstances of the particular case " thinking that " there was a real sensible possibility of conflict " .
27 After years of criticism , and after Tampa , here was a suggestion of dishonesty from an unimpeachable source pointing at the chief executive of the group .
28 the stratigraphic units subcropping at the top Carboniferous under a cover of younger sediments ,
29 It is here contended that this last group , forming a close network of interdependent and inter-communicating people working at the leading edge of science at a time of rapid personal and scientific development may be a highly significant unit for the establishment of contacts in later careers , and for the promulgation of paradigm shifts in science .
30 Nuclear Scientists working at the Joint European Torus project in Oxfordshire will be going on strike for the second time .
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