Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb base] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 PAKISTANI authorities have for the first time begun arresting farmers in the North West Frontier Province who have been found planting opium for next year 's harvest .
2 So , for high taxes vote for the Labour party , and for low taxes vote Conservative .
3 The code in fact incorporates a degree of redundancy , so that in some cases as many as six different triplets code for the same amino acid .
4 THE English schools team for the 21st annual home countries schools international at Hull on Saturday includes three Newcastle swimmers .
5 I got involved with agencies who specialise in placing children who were difficult to place , be it handicapped , black or of the wrong age , and that led to my doing a lot of work taking photographs for a magazine published by the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering and various publicity and public relations work for the Catholic Children 's Society .
6 ‘ Well , folks , we may not have heard our favourite songbird sing for the last couple of weeks , but it 's certainly nice to know our very own Rory can still put on one hell of a floorshow ! ’
7 There is a similar earnings rule for the dependent wife 's pension , and for this purpose an occupational pension also counts as earnings if the wife is under 60 .
8 Consequently , there is no separate UCAS code for the ordinary degree .
9 P. E. ‘ Bucks ’ was the ordinary police talk for the working man or yobbo — the unruly kind of person that hung round street corners .
10 The inhabitants of the outside world exist for the social actor not as persons whom he knows on an individualised basis , but as social types ( like mechanics or planners ) , or indistinguishable collectivities of persons ( like bureaucrats , Tories or Dinka ) The rules and conditions coming from the outside which in some way affect him are simply taken as given .
11 A win for Akinwande , who beat the much-hyped Herbie Hide for the 1989 ABA title , will elevate him close to a world top-10 rating , if not pushing him into the elite of one of the four organisations .
12 Dawn Adams and Ann Welsh received the Charles Whiteside memorial trophies for their 1500 displays , with the Norman Graves award for the best boys middle distance win going to Liverpool 's Paul Lamb .
13 Streamline Graded Readers cater for the earliest levels of language learning .
14 Since the patients in Newcombe and Ratcliff 's study sustained penetrating missile wounds of the brain whereas those of Hécaen and Sauguet suffered from naturally occurring lesions it is possible that aetiological differences account for the discrepant findings .
15 Will the Prime Minister explain what compensation is available under his supposed citizens charter for the late arrival of economic recovery ?
16 Three major causes account for the ensuing periods of upheaval which culminated in the establishment of a less formal relationship between the press and the political parties in the late 20th century :
17 And these reduced payments continue for the next 3 years — as you can see from the chart below .
18 Rentokil Medical Services provide for the safe collection and disposal of used hypodermic needles , scalpels and other surgical instruments and soft clinical waste such as bandages and other medical dressings .
19 Yeltsin and Gorbachev had held separate meetings with military commanders on Dec. 11 , apparently in an attempt to ensure armed forces support for the new Commonwealth .
20 Leonard , who plays more golf in the summer than bowls , partners Irish international senior skip and Lisnagarvey club mate Noel Graham in their bid to win the Irish pairs title for the first time since the brilliant Fisher and Ringland combination won it for the Lisburn club in 1970 .
21 Final selection of the project , approval of the project for inclusion in the capital budget , setting of project implementation controls and post-audit review account for the remaining stages of the project cycle are covered in detail in chapter 5 .
22 ‘ Even a cursory glance at the island of Ireland 's relationship with the EC since 1973 confirms that Britain has not pursued Northern Ireland 's interests anything like the extent which Irish Governments have for the 26 counties , ’ he said .
23 Is the Minister aware that eight times as many houses were built under the previous Labour Government than those doctored figures show for the last financial year ?
24 The introduction of bargaining and the capacity to negotiate collective agreements or ‘ convenios ’ , although still closely controlled , gave the company councils a genuine industrial relations function for the first time and encouraged the workers ' commissions ' strategy of working through the official system and putting forward candidates to company council elections .
25 This would set the scene for a super power scramble for the Middle East 's oil resources , the Soviet Union being driven to desperate measures by its lack of hard currency .
26 Soviet interest was aroused by the Iranian view that ‘ there will have to be guarantees that neither the Americans nor American surrogates substitute for the departing Russians ’ , that the problem of Afghanistan should not be solved in the East/West context .
27 The paper-maker , Bowater , still basking in an optimistic profits forecast for the full year , firmed 7p to 507p .
28 Unix , House believes , will dominate the open systems market for the next five years .
29 The predominance these spatial constructs have for the ordinary constable is essential to an understanding of the police mind .
30 South African authorities have for the first time permitted Mr Nelson Mandela to talk by telephone with exiled leaders of the African National Congress from the prison where he is held near Cape Town .
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