Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb pp] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Made with 1.4 , 1.6 and 1.8 litre petrol engines , the Tempras are agile performers aimed at the business users ' market .
2 The former are haphazard non-deliberate operations conducted at the shelves and the latter is a structured intentional activity carried out with the assistance of a bibliographic tool .
3 The backdrop of rural discontent kept at a minimum the government 's tolerance level for criticism and signs of independent organization in the cities .
4 Mr Deputy Speaker that strong sympathy expressed at the time of the last debate on these matters was approved overwhelmingly by the Labour party conference last October and I state that for the record less there be any misunderstanding about our position on the issue of voting systems .
5 It is argued that specific policies implemented at the outset of British rule led to the development of a judicial system which did not coincide with either British or indigenous notions of justice but which was none the less compatible with local culture .
6 If he were tempted to decide against Mrs. McLoughlin , he would indeed ask himself whether any principled distinction could be drawn between her case and the case of mothers who recover for emotional damage suffered at the scene .
7 Round-table discussions held at the Institute of Latin America early in 1981 revealed that several Soviet ideologists were now prepared to lend credence to the long-discredited theories of guerrilla warfare upheld by Che Guevara .
8 World War II brought many new urgent needs such as anti-malarials , antiseptics and in particular participation in secret inter-allied research aimed at the synthesis of penicillin .
9 A recent small-scale study undertaken at the University of Sheffield suggests that young people in private schools reveal distinctive processes of occupational , political and socio-economic socialisation .
10 Prandtl 's conclusions as to the efficacy of the Magnus effect in Flettner 's application were confirmed only recently by the results of an extensive study done carried only recently by the results of an extensive study done at the University of Dayton 's Research Institute .
11 He was so moved by the sufferings of the wounded at the battle of Solferino ( the Lombard village where the French and Sardinians defeated the Austrians in June 1859 ) that he published a book urging the formation of permanent voluntary aid societies to succour the wounded in time of war , and this so caught international imagination that in 1863 , sixteen European nations met at a conference in Geneva to launch the plan .
12 Is the existence of a supportive relationship before an event the critical factor , or can new supportive relationships mobilised at the time of the event be effective ?
13 This means that it can not be ruled out that new supportive relationships established at the time of a crisis might also sometimes be beneficial .
14 FIG. 2 The photograph at the upper right is of a fragment of fresh retina focused at the level of the outer segments and recorded on video by means of an infrared television camera permanently mounted on the microspectrophotometer .
15 The Middle East peace talks continued during May with a series of multilateral meetings arranged at the Moscow round in January [ see p. 38740 ; see p. 38885 for fifth round of bilateral talks held in Washington in late April ] .
16 Of the non-INJAC groups represented at the conference the most significant were two London-based groups , the Nationalist Iraqi Constitution ( led by Salah Omar Ali ) and the Free Iraqi Congress ( led by Saad Saleh Jaber ) .
17 Robert and Sandra Wignall were watching foxes near their home in Addlestone , Surrey , when a three-man gang struck at the weekend .
18 Other DCE-compliant technologies shown at the exhibition included : Transarc Corp 's Encina transaction processing monitor ; Atrium Technologies Inc 's Dazel distributed-information-delivery system and Sybase Inc 's DCE-compliant System 10 prototype .
19 Trevor Hold in his recent anthology A Northamptonshire Garland , identifies the house described in Leapor 's poem ‘ Crumble Hall ’ , as Edgcote House , on the grounds that the carved heads described at the beginning of the poem correspond to a drawing of Edgcote House by Peter Tillemans ( c. 1684–1733 ) .
20 Just propped lazily against the edge of her desk , long brown legs crossed at the ankles , watching her with that cool , speculative expression in his eyes , he had the ability to make her insides seize up .
21 He made far more play than his father ( or other ninth-century Carolingians ) with the penalty of the harmscara — a public humiliation imposed at the ruler 's discretion which involved the victim 's carrying a saddle on his back .
22 Later came the Farmans , aptly named ‘ cages à poules ’ , and the Caudrons , of which a French flyer remarked at the time that between these and the current German types ‘ there was all the difference between a lorry and a Rolls Royce ’ .
23 The same is true for Das kostbare Evangeliar des Heiligen Bernward , the important illuminated 1000-year old manuscript preserved at the cathedral of Hildesheim ( DM78 ) .
24 Two days later the USA expelled an Iraqi diplomat based at the UN in New York for his alleged role in an assassination plot aimed at US-based Iraqi opposition figures .
25 An Asian man who was forced to wed a girl in Pakistan has had his arranged marriage annulled at the Court of Session in Edinburgh .
26 An Asian man who was forced to wed a girl in Pakistan has had his arranged marriage annulled at the Court of Session in Edinburgh .
27 Women in thick , serge dresses and wooden clogs gathered at the doors of their houses and watched us pass whilst half-naked children ran behind us , screaming in their patois for a sou or something to eat .
28 Measured against ‘ a stagnant US economy , a not altogether successful satellite programme , and perennial crises in NATO ’ ( Zimmerman : 1969 , p. 179 ) , these developments created high expectations expressed at the November 1960 Conference of Eighty-One parties in the definitive formulation that ’ the superiority of the forces of socialism over those of imperialism … is becoming ever more marked in the world arena' ( Zimmerman : 1969 , p. 181 ) .
29 The decision follows strong local objections at a public inquiry held at the end of 1991 .
30 He opened the window and a light fresh breeze clutched at the curtains .
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