Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A narrow stairway led up to the third floor where an unmarked door opened onto a plush modern office reception area with a deep-pile fawn carpet dotted with pot plants .
2 The SSL holds a core collection of material covering scientific and technical aspects backed up by the National Library 's other relevant collections such as official publications , legislation , and popular science items .
3 At the airport planes of astonishingly different sizes — like children 's toys on different scales mixed up in the same game queue to use the runway for take-off .
4 To the layman they all look pretty similar : crisp emerald weed buoyed up in the stream and then , in July , a snow in summer of glistening white flowers , which spill over the water in a way that seems to spell out the brief abundance of midsummer .
5 Twelve kilometres to the north-east of it is somewhere better : Sauveterre-de-Béarn , an interesting old place sat up above the Gave d'Oloron .
6 On my right , across the river , steep forested banks rose up from the water .
7 The flow cost is the opportunity cost of the money or social resources tied up in the plant and is measured by the initial capital cost multiplied by the discount rate r .
8 Old Red looked up from the floor , and glanced at me before answering .
9 AN old friend came up in the street yesterday and said : ‘ My , you look well , have you been on holiday , you 've got a tan . ’
10 The quarrel spread to Seville and Cadiz , where the friends of Romana and Palafox were the bitterest opponents of the Central Junta 's claims and were intriguing for an amenable Regency or a military government based on popular feeling whipped up against the Junta .
11 A steep tunnel led up into the air .
12 The weatherbeaten old man squinted up at the handsome young giant who stood grinning down at him .
13 For one night at least , one member of the quartet who hijacked the course of popular music lived up to the hopes of those who had waited 23 years for the moment .
14 Opponents of sales see them as reducing a vital social resource built up at the ratepayers ' expense , while proponents see sales to long-standing tenants as almost a recourse to ‘ natural justice ’ , although there are also the political overtones of the desire of Conservative politicians to build up a property-owning base to their vote .
15 Yet it is impossible for an ordinary woman , perhaps with two or three young children , or by now middle-aged , to live up to the sexual fantasies built up within the containing cell .
16 A skyhook , then an unbelieving lunge and there I was , like a shipwrecked sailor washed up on the shore of an uninhabitable island , safe for the moment but by no means home .
17 Many British men brought up with the notion that independence is strength fear dependency as a threat to their manhood .
18 That alienation of the German Bohemians showed up in the 1935 elections when Konrad Henlein 's pro-Nazi Sudetendeutsche Partei became the second largest parliamentary party .
19 The computation involved is complicated , but well within the powers of a small box of modern electronic components wired up in the proper way .
20 And as the bridal couple stood up for the first dance , she felt the enormous gulf between their obvious carefree happiness and her present misery .
21 A light van drew up on the wharf , and a man got out and dropped a large quantity of cardboard boxes over the side of the wharf onto the deck .
22 Almost instantaneously they were round the nearside and had the odious Carol backed up against the van trying to wave away their prodding , stabbing fingers .
23 Later in the evening the sound of loud laughter wafted up through the open window , and even snatches of a song .
24 Quickly the English found it so , and considerable confusion developed there as the foremost horses stumbled and floundered and oncoming ranks piled up with the pressure of thousands behind .
25 The personal relationships built up over the 15 weeks often encourage longer discussions on how the subjects the pupils are learning about relate to the outside ‘ grown-up ’ world of industry and academe .
26 Stairs of dark wood curved up from the hall , and the old treads creaked under their combined weight .
27 As the very last mouthful disappeared , a tremendous cheer rose up from the audience and children were leaping on to their chairs and yelling and clapping and shouting , ‘ Well done , Brucie !
28 No , what they want is perfectly expressed in the simple banner held up during the Leipzig demonstrations : ‘ Freiheit ! ! ! ’
29 Eventually the dinner broke up and Claud , Roger Hollis and I went off for a pub-crawl which after sundry indecorous adventures ended up at the Hypocrites where another blind was going on .
30 Similar discrepancies opened up in the agricultural sphere .
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