Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , British and French cavalry had been stationed close behind the Allied line , with the object of quickly exploiting a breakthrough .
2 British Rail had been made aware of the danger of drivers going through red lights , a possible cause of the Newton disaster , as far back as 1951 , the inquiry was told .
3 Old Eddy had been wiped clean .
4 News that the Islands ' social workers had been given professional stress therapy astounded the families and their support organisation .
5 By the end of the period , the professional values of English studies had been rendered synonymous not only with the central moral force of the " national character " but also with the moral worthiness of the scholar-critic ( living or dead ) .
6 A 24 year old woman had been diagnosed five years previously and had persistent abdominal pain , diarrhoea , and ill health despite repeated courses of steroids .
7 Following upon the decrees of the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 , a whole succession of English bishops had been publishing this legislation and adding to it their own diocesan statutes ; Pecham himself in 1281 drew upon the legislation of two archbishops — Langton ( 1222 ) and Boniface ( 1261 ) — and two papal legates — Otto ( 1237 ) and Ottobuono ( 1268 ) .
8 It was said that a massacre had followed the surrender of General Wheeler at Cawnpore and that delicate English girls had been stripped naked and dragged through the streets of Delhi .
9 However , if hon. Members had been given more time to study these complicated regulations , more of them might have realised how adversely they affect some of their constituents and would have made it their business to be here .
10 I asked him whether I was right in supposing that over the years British music had been influenced much more by the Continent than vice-versa .
11 It was pointed out that from the early '60s onwards some parts of British manufacturing had been facing increased economic difficuIties , in particular because of heightened international competition , which firms had been adopting strategies to counter .
12 This time poor old Simpson had been caught off-balance by events and had sounded distinctly agitated on the telephone .
13 William IV died shortly afterwards and it has been written that , a search being instituted , it was found that that bluff and breezy monarch had been using this unique ancient artifact as a shaving mug !
14 A government spokesman said 59 post offices , 53 other buildings , 75 vehicles and a rubber factory had been set ablaze since security forces stopped searches , ambushes and raids against the People 's Liberation Front ( JVP ) last Wednesday .
15 During the terrible retreat from Mons in late August , certain officers wrote home of their impression that their foot-sore infantry had been accompanied one night by a mysterious force of cavalry , of which no trace could be found next day .
16 if Central South had been running twenty five years ago our sport would have been dominated by the name of one man … jockey Terry Biddlecombe one of Gloucestershire 's most famous and favourite of sporting sons …
17 Between 1870 and 1880 the Jesuits had been expelled from Germany , religious orders dissolved , the State had interfered with the discipline of the clergy , civil marriage had been made obligatory and Prussia had withdrawn its financial support from Catholic churches .
18 Where there were examples of co-residence , the joint household had been established some years before the elderly person needed physical care , and a number of these households had been created by the younger generation(s) moving in with the parent , not the other way round .
19 He felt numb , as if his entire body had been pumped full of novocaine .
20 Initially the stated aim had been to promote economic and cultural co-operation , but the revolutionary developments in Eastern Europe since 1989 had added a new dimension , the grouping coming to be viewed as a vehicle for bringing emergent east European democracies into the Western fold .
21 Gunmen opened fire , killing 14 occupants of the bus , including a Dane , Rasmussen Testerto , described in press reports as the first Western tourist to fall victim to the fighting in Sri Lanka ; a Japanese tourist had been shot dead in 1985 .
22 By early May an estimated 80,000 civil servants had been made redundant .
23 While ‘ The Prophet ’ was asleep , a violent rainstorm swept across the countryside but when it ended and the farmer went to see how the fugitive minister had fared , he found that , miraculously , an area around the sleeping man had been left untouched by the rain .
24 Prior to this Act the traditional approach of central government had been to view local expenditure in global terms ; hence , as long as local government spending as a whole remained on target , individual authorities spending above the norm were not penalized .
25 Studies will try to establish if the infected cow had been given English cattle feed from ground up ruminant carcasses — banned in Britain in 1988 and in France in 1989 .
26 Chintz-covered cushions had been ripped open , left lying on the floor , stuffing scattered .
27 The sale ( subject to British export control regulations ) was made through Christie 's after the completion of the loan period and after the National Gallery had been offered first refusal .
28 Before they left the Irish capital , they told how pure joy replaced unbearable anguish when they learned their little girl had been found safe .
29 The house had seemed less threatening in the cold light of day , and it became obvious that a pretty establishment had been rendered hideous by neglect .
30 Childless women declaimed prayers to the Virgin in Latin while tears rolled down their faces ; and the parents of idiot children danced with them in the market place , swearing that their little brains had been set all to rights .
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