Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun prp] had [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Only to find , first , that genuinely ill as he was , he had missed the local paper saying the psychopath had been caught , and that the compulsive liar Brenda had been telling everyone he was her lover , a rumour that had got back to his wife whose mac he had by mistake worn during the murder and had been unable to destroy .
2 And should n't Lucy say something about her story , the subtle and extravagant passes Jay had been making at her all evening ?
3 Only the previous day Louisa had been pondering a passage from the Aurelia occulta in which Mercurius promised to bestow on the adept the powers of male and female , of heaven and earth .
4 All this happened in early spring — the third week in March , I think — and for several weeks of the previous summer Inez had been carrying on with a man staying at one of the St Ives hotels .
5 Hakim had previously acted as the equivalent of a Foreign Minister of the Democratic Arab Saharan Republic ( SADR — which the armed movement Polisario had been struggling to establish in the Western Sahara since 1976 ) .
6 He got out with a fractured skull — but had a mental blackout and forgot his beautiful wife Kathy had been sitting beside him .
7 As she scrambled around and tried to stay level , she watched for Josie 's return with the thought that , when she finally arrived , she 'd damn well see what a tough time Lucy had been having .
8 With my father agreeing to give me £2,000 , and adding , ‘ This is the third plane ticket I 've bought for that man ’ , I flew back to England and finished painting the house white , thanking God that I liked the art nouveau and Edwardian furniture David had been buying , because otherwise it could have been tricky , having received the letter and realising that it might actually be love , it might actually be something serious going on .
9 He nodded in the direction of the balled-up overall Porter had been wearing .
10 Until today 's new proposals Britain had been cautioning against such an operation because of the dangers to aircrew and the risk of killing or injuring people on the ground .
11 Louisa was surprised by the arrival and glad of it , for young Frank Wharton had been ragging mercilessly her occasional graceless descents to the ice , petticoats and undergarments protruding from her skirt , skates flailing above them .
12 The thieves took £80 that 73-year-old Peggy Metcalfe had been saving for the past three months .
13 The thieves took £80 that 73-year-old Peggy Metcalfe had been saving for her electricity bill .
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