Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun prp] have [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 They have n't noticed the so-called economic boom Chile 's been enjoying for the last twenty years .
2 Jenny Pitman 's been hit with flu … so assistant David Stait has been getting Gary ready for the gold cup …
3 Only to find , first , that genuinely ill as he was , he had missed the local paper saying the psychopath had been caught , and that the compulsive liar Brenda had been telling everyone he was her lover , a rumour that had got back to his wife whose mac he had by mistake worn during the murder and had been unable to destroy .
4 Twenty eight year old Susan Magill has been trying a homoeopathic approach to help her improve her diet and lose weight .
5 Top star Scaggs has been playing a Lowden since last year , when it was introduced to him after a concert and he was so taken by it , that he has now persuaded fellow stars Glenn Campbell and Charlie Daniels to buy them as well .
6 Friends and neighbours of the murdered eight-year old Sean Williams have been putting flowers outside the block of flats where he was found .
7 Three year old son Andrew 's been eating more as Tom 's been ordered to lose weight .
8 And should n't Lucy say something about her story , the subtle and extravagant passes Jay had been making at her all evening ?
9 Since taking over from Left-winger David Hunt , former Thatcherite Mr Redwood has been trying to reassure the Welsh that there will be no dramatic change in Welsh Office policy .
10 World War I veteran Mr Brownbill has been waiting two years to see if his application for a house renovation grant would be successful .
11 Only the previous day Louisa had been pondering a passage from the Aurelia occulta in which Mercurius promised to bestow on the adept the powers of male and female , of heaven and earth .
12 All this happened in early spring — the third week in March , I think — and for several weeks of the previous summer Inez had been carrying on with a man staying at one of the St Ives hotels .
13 Fraud squad officers investigating the affairs of the late Robert Maxwell have been searching the Oxfordshire home of his son , Kevin .
14 For a long time KFW has been promoting in particular the small and medium scale sector of the economy , i.e. it grants loans at favourable interest rates to small and medium sized enterprises to make up for their specific financing disadvantages …
15 Hakim had previously acted as the equivalent of a Foreign Minister of the Democratic Arab Saharan Republic ( SADR — which the armed movement Polisario had been struggling to establish in the Western Sahara since 1976 ) .
16 He got out with a fractured skull — but had a mental blackout and forgot his beautiful wife Kathy had been sitting beside him .
17 As she scrambled around and tried to stay level , she watched for Josie 's return with the thought that , when she finally arrived , she 'd damn well see what a tough time Lucy had been having .
18 To mark its fiftieth birthday the Oxford-based charity Oxfam has been holding a fashion show with a difference .
19 With my father agreeing to give me £2,000 , and adding , ‘ This is the third plane ticket I 've bought for that man ’ , I flew back to England and finished painting the house white , thanking God that I liked the art nouveau and Edwardian furniture David had been buying , because otherwise it could have been tricky , having received the letter and realising that it might actually be love , it might actually be something serious going on .
20 No sign yet of the symmetrical multi-processors IBM has been working on with Groupe Bull SA .
21 He nodded in the direction of the balled-up overall Porter had been wearing .
22 In The Secret Garden Mary has been watching a robin which has let her come quite near .
23 Until today 's new proposals Britain had been cautioning against such an operation because of the dangers to aircrew and the risk of killing or injuring people on the ground .
24 Louisa was surprised by the arrival and glad of it , for young Frank Wharton had been ragging mercilessly her occasional graceless descents to the ice , petticoats and undergarments protruding from her skirt , skates flailing above them .
25 In recent years BR has been developing techniques for giving each of the business sectors responsibility for part of the network 's infrastructure costs .
26 TOP MARKS : Whatever financial advice Johnny 's been giving Fergie has obviously paid off as the Duchess shows that she 's well and truly on top of the subject
27 Collins 's wife Jill and young daughter Lily have been living in Los Angeles since April in a Tudor-style £5 million Beverly Hills mansion .
28 The thieves took £80 that 73-year-old Peggy Metcalfe had been saving for the past three months .
29 The thieves took £80 that 73-year-old Peggy Metcalfe had been saving for her electricity bill .
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