Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Agricultural institutions also began to play a major role in applying biological theory to the problems of agriculture .
2 This raucous noise only seemed to emphasize the ominous silence of the island and reminded me of a story I had heard from a traveller who claimed to have sailed the Western Ocean and come across islands inhabited by ghosts of dead sailors .
3 Working-class political parties also came to serve a useful integrative function for monopoly capital .
4 Most of the British leadership still wished to retain the upper hand wherever possible , and there were the usual doubts as to American consistency of purpose .
5 In his judgment , Mr Justice Knox suggested that the practice was based on an incorrect interpretation of the law , and that the company disposing of the old asset also had to acquire the new asset .
6 Slim spires still soared to support the ebon umbrella shields .
7 Our first Members ' Evening was held at the Community College on Friday 1st March 1991 and its success can be judged by the fact that it went on until the Social Secretary literally had to call a halt at 11.15 p.m. !
8 Exotic substances owed part of their prestige to their mere difference from ones available in the home environment , but even more to the fact that obtaining them from a distance might and in civilized societies normally did reflect the exercise of power .
9 BRITISH COAL yesterday offered to cut the cost of supplies to privatised electricity generators and guaranteed that price rises would be kept within the rate of inflation provided they agreed to sign long-term contracts .
10 Medieval travellers usually had to pick a way over boggy ground as they came off the hills .
11 Their social position also appeared to suffer a decline as education entered a period of crisis .
12 Roman law never did have a doctrine that trusts should be set up by imperative words .
13 Aisha 's annual visits home had sown the seed of travel in my spirit and this seed had grown and opened out and reached my eyes and tongue .
14 In preliminary studies , we have found that in primary rat glial and neuronal cells that were transfected with human bcl-2 , the anti-Bcl-2 antibody also seemed to stain the nuclear envelope and ER ( M.D.J. and J. Voyvodic , unpublished data ) .
15 The central government thus came to fund an increasing share of local services ( see Layfield Committee , 1976 , Chapter 5 ) .
16 Two events of outstanding importance then helped to settle the fate of each ; the capital of the Roman empire was transferred to Byzantium , renamed Constantinople , and Christianity became the state religion .
17 Linfield 's shamed opponents yesterday admitted making a 5,000 dollar payment to the Turkish referee before their 2–1 first leg win in Georgia on August 18 .
18 prior to the departure of the Iwakura Mission , the Meiji regime too had started a limited programme of industrialization and social change , much of it contingent on the dismantling of the political , social and economic structure that had prevailed under the Tokugawa .
19 It would n't do just to have straight furrows : a good ploughman also had to have a good top to the stetch — the furrows lying all flat and even .
20 There , perhaps more than anywhere else , the hunger for tabloid trivia never seemed to satisfy the public .
21 Although the online catalogue finally emerged incorporating the card catalogue model , it soon became apparent that the new " form " had much more potential than the automated housekeeping tool originally envisaged .
22 The poor man simply wanted to placate the fellow .
23 A LAWYER from a London legal firm yesterday denied touching a secretary 's breasts at a Christmas party at which he ate a chocolate penis covered with cream , writes Alastair McCall .
24 Yeah , but married couple there did have a couple of people there that got married while they were in the T A but they were n't allowed , they never allowed to sort of buddy , buddy together I tell you why I got put with that woman .
25 These measures probably had a foundation in genuine agricultural unrest — the court rolls of St Albans Abbey record an increase in the number of fugitive villeins in the 1350s but in most places the records suggest that survivors of the epidemic took up vacant holdings , at least those on land of reasonable quality , so it appears that the population surplus from the period before the Black Death still sufficed to provide a reservoir of possible tenants .
26 The experimental birds now tended to avoid the viceroys , and the control birds to peck at them ( Table 5.1 ) .
27 The curriculum in secondary schools also began to take a predictable shape , mathematics , English , RE and PE for all plus a ‘ choice ’ from six option columns .
28 It seems ridiculous for me to try and offer excuses why we were so comprehensively beaten , but the fact that we were well below full strength certainly gave Alborne a ten-goal advantage .
29 The ecclesiastical organization thus came to reduplicate the structure of the civil administrative geography , though not quite exactly , and least in the less Romanized areas where the Roman network of cities with their administrative territories was less regular .
30 Israel 's principal foreign-policy objective now became to break the walls of its political isolation in the region.Its first success was full diplomatic recognition ny Turkey in 1949 ; the second was de facto recognition from Iran in 1950 .
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