Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] see [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A foolish general might surround his Pump Wagon with friendly units only to see the machine crunch through his own lines in the first turn !
2 Some English cricket-lovers still see the end of the amateur as the end of one graceful aspect of county and test cricket .
3 These two major blows basically saw the end of his racing career , although he continued to compete on BMWs and Nortons again , before retiring in September 1961 following a crash in Sweden .
4 The red-haired striker then saw the keeper make two good saves from him soon after as Coleraine threatened .
5 The problem was not evading capture — it would take a very alert human even to see a nome running at full speed , let alone catch one — but simply avoiding being trodden on by accident .
6 The new-look team again sees the inclusion of Anne Hemming who made her debut against Scotland and coach Anne Anderson who is keeping the formula the same tomorrow .
7 Modern secateurs are now so good , however , that professional opposition to them has virtually disappeared , and it is a rare sight indeed to see a knifesman carefully honing the curved blade with his special fine-grained carborundum stone , invariably kept in an oilskin tobacco pouch in his apron pocket .
8 The European community on the other hand also saw a growth of output of over twenty percent , twenty three point seven percent but that gave rise not to eighteen million but to only six million additional jobs and I just say to the honourable gentleman the lesson for Europe is to go further down the route that I have suggested of further deregulation and less bureaucracy and a stable economic framework , than to go down the route that he is advocating in his short address and question to me .
9 The light blocked by the polariser on the other hand never sees the reflector and a dark display results .
10 For local attractions please see the entry on Millers .
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