Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Was his old Bones really a Gold Cup winner ?
2 Where it is a matter of public feeling then the voting system has a place — as a sort of representative jury .
3 Among the shattered Iraqi forces only the Republican Guard was reported to be standing firm north of the Kuwait-Iraq border .
4 Similarly , the economic base is fragile and overdependent on specific local and possibly transient opportunities e.g. military bases , industrial and commercial initiatives e.g. the oil platform fabrication yard at Arnish , and some Highlands and Islands Development Board sponsored enterprises e.g. fish processing factories .
5 But is the 23-minute chat really a lovey-dovey phone call between Princess Di and an admirer ?
6 If you do n't want to pay an annual fee then the Visa card issued by the small Town & Country Building Society is a bargain with an interest charge of only 22.5 per cent compared with average of 28 to 29 per cent charged by most Visa card issuers .
7 In their distinctly separate ways both the market model and the CAPM have taken the rather cumbersome analysis developed by Markowitz and the CML model developed by Tobin to a point which is of practical use for professional portfolio management .
8 These objectives can be in quantitative terms eg. the growth rate of profits , or in qualitative terms eg. statements about public responsibility .
9 In such circumstances either credits are arranged with merchants for surplus materials less a restocking charge , or they are sold or scrapped .
10 It allowed workers the opportunity to buy as much as 20 per cent of their company 's shares at half price as well as offering them low-interest loans for buying future shares once a stock market was established .
11 By charting in fixed and variable costs , and then showing revenue , it is possible to see the point at which total revenue equates with total costs ie the break-even point .
12 I walked out of the sunlight into the cool dark shadow of the gorge , meeting no deity with oozy hair hot a couple eating sandwiches and two crag rats .
13 Secondly , if West had not had a likely looking entry perhaps the opening lead would have been different .
14 In cases where the home country has a small share of world trade for a particular commodity , and the partner country and the rest of the world have a large share , the home country can import the commodity at a constant price i.e. the import supply curve is horizontal .
15 Meiko Scientific Plc , Bristol has been getting a bit of stick in the US press following its sale of one of its massively parallel systems to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under a $15m agreement : complainants say the order should have gone to a US firm and not to a UK one ; Meiko repudiates ‘ the damaging impressions ’ created in a New York Times story on the order , saying that it was consistent with US national security policies and procedures with support provided by cleared US citizens ; it bridles at the suggestion that the machine is unproven , pointing to over 400 installations , and says the Israeli transaction was in compliance with both US and British export regulations and that this was confirmed by the British Embassy in Washington .
16 This involved university then a teacher training course at Jordanhill in Glasgow .
17 We 've got in the new format sixty of the new new format but what we have been able to do is take elements of the new re-fitted stores and put those for instance erm Pronto we 've managed to take those and re-fit them separately but the actual new concept stores sits at about sixty-odd stores and currently what we 're doing is to check the that we have had a a re-fits this year erm where we 've taken space for other sub-lets where put the new concept back to but as far as the go in majority of the chain now we have most of the major elements i.e an upholstery area bed area Pronto representation and indeed the re-fit that was discussed in the Chairman 's statement the kitchen and bedroom re-fit erm was applicable to all stores so all of the stores have got new kitchens and bedrooms in
18 Er I merely want to comment on the erm apparent misunderstanding on my comments on windfalls earlier on , erm it has been suggested that we we 're tightening down on windfalls , was the quote actually used , erm , there is no intention in the local plan to er ignore the er windfalls , to actually deal with them in a different way than had happened in the past , clearly if sites come forward which are windfalls which are suitable in environmental terms then the City Council will give , as P B G one requires , the appropriate consideration to those applications , what I was merely saying this morning was the the likelihood of such windfalls coming forward , and the scale was clearly going to be substantially less than had occurred in the past , and the the figure of eighty a eighty a year , which was for a five year period , which was quoted to me , erm clearly would not be representative of my expectation of the future .
19 Their leader , Peter Bancroft , 36 , said : ‘ We have been struggling with British Rail 's shortage of drivers for months and have christened our regular train home the ghost train . ’
20 In non-orthodox circles also the blood taboo , in culturally received if not strictly religious terms , is strong and is observed to varying degrees in context of inter-personal relations .
21 The package structure to be updated must define an existing baseline i.e. the root package must be approved , and all sub-packages must be referenced at their latest selected approved versions .
22 If breakfast is a cut-and-run meal then a bar counter is a good idea and a nice compromise between setting a proper table and snatching a cup of coffee on the wing .
23 Now yes this is very very welcome indeed , but I do see it Mr Chairman in the experience of the past and that really with the hard work that you both have put in as a piece of paper it is now in the computer as far as I can see and I think there is a term now within agriculture and I will give you an example of this and I think it now , it may apply I think to our road system particular particularly in the north , north Suffolk , yeah I think the term is set-aside , and I hope that some time central government will acknowledge that within this eastern region certainly the Lowestoft area and Waking area we have very great problems , because these pieces of jigsaw do not come into the full picture , they 're put in place now and then and later and in apparent it is giving us a very great problem certainly within the last
24 O'Hara , he said , was the terrifying shadow on the wall which every child saw through half-closed lids once the nursery door had shut .
25 The binding was competed with 50 and 100ng of competitor as specified ; WT and AP1 are double stranded competitor DNAs and SSA and SSB are single stranded oligonucleotides Only the SSB strand had strong and specific binding in this assay .
26 A short time later the Customs launch had borne down on them and the nightmare had begun .
27 If the house has a solid floor then a radon stump has to be dug into the foundations .
28 In 1974 the NUM was led by Joe Gormley ( pictured ) , a noted ‘ moderate ’ , and 81 per cent of the miners voted for industrial action hardly the minority militancy hinted at by Mr Morris .
29 If the result differs from 100% by more than an agreed tolerance then a question mark is output to show doubt about the reading and the count of bad readings is incremented .
30 There also needs to be collective approach so every union worker in this section rejects the present derisory offer and builds on a campaign run by the Fire Brigade Union .
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