Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Although most biographers ( encouraged by Darwin 's own recollections ) have played down the Edinburgh episode , the most recent studies have noted that he developed an interest in invertebrate zoology here that was to form a mainstay of his scientific work through into the time of the Beagle voyage .
2 I was light years away at the time these alleged crimes took place .
3 Staying in hospital can be a traumatic experience for young children — as well as having to cope with strange hospital routines or unpleasant treatments , they may also be offered unfamiliar foods just at the time when their appetites are likely to be poor and they need encouragement to eat a healthy , balanced diet .
4 In December 1927 , while he was in the midst of his darkness , and in june 1928 when he was better , the House of Commons rejected a proposal , carried by large majorities in the Church bodies , for a new prayer book , which was the old prayer book , from the age of King Charles II , modestly revised in a pastoral spirit long after the time when it needed revision .
5 The report , commissioned by the Archbishop of Lyon , Cardinal Albert Decourtray shortly after Touvier 's arrest in May 1989 at a monastery in Nice [ see pp. 37019 ; 37899 ] , said that while the church as a body was not involved in assisting Touvier , senior churchmen had provided material support and the Catholic charity , Secours Catholique , had paid him a monthly stipend up to the time of his arrest .
6 The Poles had maintained a very efficient educational system under a special national commission up to the time of the partition .
7 The trouble is that he ca n't recreate the formula , so he is pretty teed off by the time his fund manager Dr Crane ( Lorraine Bracco ) turns up to find out what 's going on .
8 Poverty , he defined as ‘ having no surplus ’ , i.e. having the bare essentials much of the time , but nothing to spare to provide for a crisis such as unemployment , sickness or death in the family .
9 " Item whereas there is Sixscore pounds due unto mee by Roger Harper and Johnn Barrett Payable at Certen Dayes and tymes agreed uponn betweene us , My mynde and will ys That the Somme of Fortye pounds being a Thirdd parte of the sayd Sixscore pounds shall be and remayne to the augmentacion and increase of the wages of the Schoolemaster of Stockport for the tyme beinge , for ever , to be hadd and receaved at suche dayes and tymes as the same shall bee due , And further I do will and bequeath the sume of Tenn pounds for and towards the augmenting of the Schoolmasters wages afforesayd to make upp the sayd sume of Fortye pounds the Full sume of Fyftie pounds All the sayd Sume to be Imployed and used for the benefit of the Schoolemaster afforesayde by the Parsonn of Stockporte the Maior of Stockport and the most Auncyent Alderman thereof for the time being .
10 They , like the plane , in later years , represented a special link in the canal line between the East Midlands and London , a line for which there were great hopes both at the time of construction at the beginning of the nineteenth century and of its rehabilitation at the end of the century .
11 Now we talk full pages most of the time .
12 For centuries before the arrival of Westerners it had been the symbol of the soul and of eternal life ; and for the Chinese , who traded with the southern islands long before the time of Christ , the bird became associated with the phoenix myth — which crept across the continents into the mind of medieval Europe , even before it was known that the world was round .
13 Er we left at er seventeen minutes to two erm having explained that er we have put a very respectable budget on the table er which was prudence as prudence personified er and that was something we felt the other two groups of the Liberal Democrats were the only ones there at the time er besides them do that we 'd er I have to say to chairman that er the voted it is now being cobbled together er by the other two groups is eight hundred thousand pounds plus er in excess of the budget which the Conservative Group would want to see and just for the record , it 's about the same sum of money that we 've been saving on the fire cover in
14 20.1 In the case of any dispute or difference arising between the parties hereto relating to this Agreement or any matter arising therefrom or incidental thereto the same may be submitted to the arbitration of a single arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of the United Kingdom Arbitration Act 1979 or any statutory modification thereof for the time being in force .
15 The author of the Life of Wilfrid , who represents Wilfrid as persuading the king and queen to accept the word of God and as preaching to a people who had never before heard the Gospel , undoubtedly exaggerates the paganism of the southern Saxons , for Bede reveals from non-Wilfridian sources , first , that Aethelwealh had married a Christian princess and had been baptized himself and , second , that a number of ealdormen and thegns had likewise received baptism , with the priests , Eappa , Padda , Burghelm and Aeddi ministering to the common people either at the time of Aethelwealh 's conversion or subsequently ( HE IV , 13 ) .
16 Yes , well er I was saying er it was this Mr I think it was , but it was to do with er a big firm in at the time and they wanted er some locks at Liverpool
17 Since 15 million years is a very short period in terms of evolution , we have to conclude that there were some big whales around at the time of the catastrophe .
18 Unfortunately , their conception of American culture woefully behind the times and Cameron Smith , a KGB man with a more up-to-date approach , convinces his superiors to allow him to give the place a more modern look by duping a couple of real American experts to act as advisors .
19 In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties hereto concerning any matter of thing arising under this agreement such dispute or difference shall be referred to an independent surveyor agreed between the parties hereto or in default of agreement to a surveyor appointed for the purpose on the application of either party by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who shall act as an arbitrator pursuant to the Arbitration Acts 1950 to 1979 or any statutory re-enactment thereof for the time being in force
20 It 's true that that is a common feature really from the time of for the last five hundred million years , from the time of the earliest fish to ourselves and to the birds and everybody else , but it 's like that not because there is some kind of profound law of form , which says that 's the kind of organism which is in permitted by the laws of development to arise , erm I mean the law form would be something like erm a law of physics which says that if objects move round the sun they 're going to do so in ellipses with the sun at one focus .
21 To the people from the people who 've gone home ob we hope this 'll only be for a few days and some have gone er to other homes just for the time being .
22 Had n't Naylor Massingham been the only other person around at the time of that incident ?
23 In many cases the actual amount of information given in the recalls was minimal , limited to whether a subject had to wait at the junction and whether there was other traffic around at the time .
24 The Rhine was the eastern boundary of the Carolingian Franks up to the time of Charlemagne .
25 The new interpretation seems to push Hallucigenia , the Chinese fossils , and some other species around at the time ( including another of the Burgess oddballs , Aysheaia ) into the arthropod phylum , with insects , crabs and trilobites .
26 It could also tie up members of the C E C , the General Secretary , the Regional Secretary , the President , Officers and many others in internal wrangles new union just at the time when we need to look outward in the next two or three years .
27 The aircraft , a well used Boeing 707/436 , had spent much of its life on the trunk routes of BOAC and it had accumulated about 47 000 flying hours up to the time when the crack was discovered .
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