Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] were [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The bill has already been modified by the Senate following amendments presented by various political groups who were pressing for tax reductions for buildings of artistic or historic interest which only generate a small income but which are expensive to maintain .
2 After keeping an eye on several possible candidates who were working in local shops , I finally selected a young man who was an assistant at a fruiterer 's in Kensington .
3 Private steel companies sought injunctions against the Iron and Steel Trades Confederation who were calling on workers in the private sector of the steel industry to come out on strike to support workers in the public sector who were striking over pay .
4 We were eventually released and returned to find some of the crew busily repairing the mainsail on the dock , while the rest , with Tandri and the officers , were being bullied by lesser officials who were nosing around the hold and demanding to see their personal possessions .
5 A riot broke out on the evening of Aug. 10-11 in the southern city of Shenzhen involving 50,000-60,000 would-be investors who were protesting against unfair distribution of share application forms , which had been sold out earlier than expected .
6 Sharpe spurred down to the crossroads , touched his hat to the old ladies who were staring with alarm at the two horsemen , then he turned to gaze down the long southwards road that led to Charleroi .
7 And his old arms they were going like this you know !
8 Being asked to write stories that would distinguish an idiosyncratic , individualistic and , in some ways , rather odd group of people from the militaristic , regimented and brutal régime they were fighting against , was a challenge to which many found they could rise .
9 Because she spoke the language she managed to get a job as nanny to the fifteen-month-old son of an English couple who were living in Venice .
10 Some of the German soldiers who were acting as escort for the Poles , began to unsling their rifles apprehensively .
11 The long , silvery , all-metal kitchen was already occupied by two figures dressed in white trousers and jackets topped by high white paper hats : the diminutive lady chef from Montreal and a tall willowy young man who introduced himself as Angus , the special chef employed by the outside firm of top-class caterers who were providing for this journey the sort of food not usually served on trains .
12 ‘ Come on , it 's high time we were heading for home ourselves .
13 In general Wilson and Stewart were complimented on the political assistance they were providing in what for them was an " agonisingly difficult " situation .
14 Both were seen as sources of disease , bodily or spiritual , moral corruptions which were spreading throughout the land .
15 She knew that to outside eyes they were behaving like two civilised adults , even though that was the last thing she felt .
16 Without Angela Morgan , at least two major clients were in danger of not getting the assiduous service they were paying for , and it would be well worth trying to see if one of them , whom he knew to be a fellow refugee from family life at the weekends , could be found .
17 I felt happy to know honourable people who were fighting for the common good , that is to say , for justice ’ ( Neruda : 1974 , p. 435 ) .
18 Much of the fighting , however , involved the Japanese forces who were acting under Gracey 's command but there were significant numbers , too , fighting for whatever reasons on the Vietminh side .
19 Those who were safely beached on the shore of prosperity had the option of giving the credit to Providence , or arrogating it to themselves ; as they regarded those less fortunate ones who were struggling in the water , they could see them as victims of their own improvidence or of God 's ineluctable decree .
20 Users fell basically into two groups : there were the milder peace-loving ‘ Smile on your brother ’ types , whose philosophy was invoked by Jefferson Airplane 's hit record using that phrase , or the far more violent set who were emerging with hard rock and the free-as-the-wind Hell 's Angels , the unkempt , unwashed , tough and brutal rabble who were the built-in bad guys of the counter-culture ; they made the gangs in Rebel Without a Cause and Brando 's The Wild One look like a Sunday school gathering .
21 He did so with the help of the School of Tropical Medicine who were experimenting with treatment by triparsaidide from malarial insects .
22 that , we went up there as in actual fact we were looking for certain place when er the postcard we had was n't it , was n't the cows given us trouble and we went
23 The rediscovery of rich veins of vernacular literature , which had been kept alive in the oral traditions of the peasants during centuries of domination by alien cultures , gave a feeling of self-confidence to the national movements which were striving for independence .
24 Our stronger feelings were reserved for the unscrupulous organisers of this sordid trade in human cargoes who were profiting from the Asians ' misery .
25 He urged the Western governments which withdrew their diplomats from Kabul on the eve of the Soviet military withdrawal in January to send them back and stop the psychological war they were waging against his government .
26 He , it was rightly thought , would provide the drive and the partisan bitterness which were lacking in Baldwin 's style .
27 It was a musical farce with a classic swap of identity plot with people confessing to their partners their infidelities in the mistaken belief they were confiding in someone else , a daft Midsummer Musical comedy with Gerry Mulgrew as a manic , fast-talking Marlowesque ( Philip Marlowesque I mean ) magical dog who had Puckish powers to cause confusion in his neck of the woods — a hideous fictional Glasgow ghetto housing scheme called Low Cassil .
28 ‘ In the beginning , ’ she said , ‘ when these children were uplifted , none of us had any idea what a national scandal we were dealing with .
29 Yeah you know that nice little conversation we were having on the bus .
30 Erm and I mean I 'm not too sure , you 'd probably need to ask the probation people , what specific things they were looking for , but I suppose the probation service , I mean you are an officer of the court ,
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