Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] more [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Cosmological Pictures ’ , which have been winding through West and East European cities for more than a year , arrive at the Tate Gallery , Liverpool , at the end of next month , and Gilbert & George will be pioneering in China with exhibitions in Shanghai and Peking next autumn .
2 THE Egyptian government has declared open war on Muslim militants , ordering police to shoot to kill and plunging the country into its worst political violence for more than a decade .
3 Above all we can not ignore it : whereas at one time we might have been able to smile at the perversity of the local watch committee in another town , the collective action of several dozen politically motivated local authorities to ban News International publications effectively took censorship in libraries well beyond the silly season in the Press ; and whereas we could once afford to hang back with our copies of Fanny Hill secure in the knowledge that we would be nowhere near the top of the prosecution list , Section 28 is in place and ready to pick us off should we try to share our enthusiasm for homosexual literature with more than a few of our consenting adult users .
4 Their success attracted a worldwide following as the Lisbon Lions and their successors dominated Scottish football for more than a decade .
5 The Kabalevsky sonata — which , too was given its first USA hearing by Horovitz — is a lesser work with more than a suspicion of playing to Russian wartime tastes , especially in the finale ; but it could scarcely be presented more convincingly .
6 As Becky drew her bath , she thought about Daphne 's words , delivered with humour and affection but still highlighting the problems she faced when trying to cross the established social barriers for more than a few moments .
7 Though the campaign scarcely gripped the imagination as the victories in the west had done — some reports hinted that the significance of the campaign had not been properly grasped , and that the victories had been unable to affect the popular mood for more than a very short time — it seemed to provide yet another example of Hitler 's strategic genius .
8 Their swollen feet had bled profusely and they had hobbled painfully among the rubber trees for more than a month before they recovered .
9 In July I was readmitted a second time , having finally obtained recognition of my French doctorate after more than a year .
10 The French education system has had many of the features now introduced into the British system for more than a century and studying them may shed some light on future possibilities for schooling in this country .
11 One of the principal problems facing anglers fishing on Benbecula and the Uists , is knowing where to begin ; there are so many fine waters to choose from and never enough time to do proper justice to more than a handful .
12 Omagh boss Paul Kee had been chasing the tall Limerick central defender for more than a fortnight .
13 When Mr Bush lost and Mr Clinton became the first Democratic president for more than a decade , the much-valued special relationship between Britain and America suddenly looked decidedly shaky .
14 TONY Greener , who took over as chairman of Guinness last year , has presided over the first fall in its annual profits for more than a decade , reflecting the effects of the recession on sales and margins and the high marketing spending necessary to support the group 's premium brands .
15 But between 1846 and 1850 an annual average of more than a quarter of a million left Europe , in the next five years an annual average of almost 350,000 ; in 1854 alone no less than 428,000 arrived in the United States .
16 Rocked by an interminable succession of scandals , shamed by its inability to stop the inexorable rise of unemployment to a record three million , and increasingly alienated from ordinary people after more than a decade in power , the Socialist Party was no longer simply ailing ; it was moribund .
17 Rocked by an interminable succession of scandals , shamed by its inability to stop the inexorable rise of unemployment to a record three million , and increasingly alienated from ordinary people after more than a decade in power , the Socialist Party was no longer simply ailing ; it was moribund .
18 In Bucharest 's university square , scene of anti-front demonstrations for more than a month now , the debate continued with more accusations of electoral malpractice by the front .
19 The metal road that left the highway twisted between pine-clad hills for more than a mile before it dropped to the lower level of a wide plateau that stretched along the river cliffs .
20 They had been moving steadily through a very thick part of the forest in which it was impossible to maintain a constant direction for more than a few paces .
21 Draft evasion had already been going largely unpunished by Lithuanian authorities for more than a year , and had been steadily increasing : on Feb. 16 more than 5,000 conscripts attending independence day rallies had publicly returned their call-up cards .
22 Some authorities now favour homes taking fifteen to twenty children , particularly for the difficult medium-term cases where the child is away from their natural home for more than a few months .
23 Former air-stewardess Jane Thornton , 32 , has been his constant companion for more than a year and shares Mark 's passion for horses .
24 The upper octave of the passage is divided between the two pairs of horns , it being impossible to maintain such rapid tonguing for more than a very short time .
25 Lousy beer , but a good jacket with more than a few memories of a young lady from Boulder , Colorado , attached to it .
26 Averell Harriman , from his unique experience of Anglo-American relations over more than a generation , observed that while Roosevelt and Churchill had made the more far-reaching decisions , they were much less close than Macmillan and Kennedy .
27 A battery 's charge-holding capacity can also be seriously reduced if it is kept in a discharged state for more than a few hours .
28 We will legislate to bring into use dwellings left empty without reasonable cause for more than a year .
29 To date the representation of detailed clinical descriptions for more than a narrow area of medicine has never been achieved by use of an enumerative approach .
30 FORMER Tory Chancellor Nigel Lawson , blamed by many for causing the housing slump , has been forced to slash the price of his luxury home by more than a quarter .
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