Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] the same way " in BNC.

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1 These features make the life of reconstituted families very complex ; they can not be seen as enclosed entities in the same way as cereal-packet nuclear families are .
2 The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 applies to these analogous contracts in the same way as it applies to contract of sale of goods .
3 Polish Romanticism differed from German Romanticism in the same way that German and Polish nationalism differed .
4 Numbers of Americans and Britons have doubled in the past decade but , at 40,000 and 11,000 respectively , they are not seen as a threat to the social fabric in the same way as the Iranians and other Asians .
5 Heavily loaded brushes precisely placed always leave behind smooth , compacted paint , so here I maintained the ‘ breathable ’ quality by allowing the first layer of blue to dry , before applying another slightly different hue in the same way
6 What is questionable is whether Gandhi hypostasizes Religion or gives it a referential connotation in the same way as Tillich does by his use of the term Ultimate Concern .
7 She treated all the awkwardnesses inherent in social intercourse in the same way , by disregarding them .
8 Social workers in the same way have a specific involvement with some individual families and children .
9 HIV is not contagious — it can not be passed on by ordinary social contact in the same way as colds and flu are .
10 This supervision may appear somewhat unpleasant but it is necessary to break into the compulsive dependence upon enforced vomiting in the same way as the physical detoxification process breaks into alcohol or drug dependence .
11 The inferences are systematic , they are decodable by different interpreters in the same way , and without most of them the exchange can not be understood ; most of them must therefore be part of what is communicated , in Grice 's strict sense of meant-nn .
12 This also helps to reinforce the idea that each group 's efforts is just as good/bad/funny/serious as the next one — it also will often provide a little light relief in the same way as the music and dancing .
13 We might pursue the matter further and inquire whether there are not different moralities in the same way as there are different religions grounded in different forms of life .
14 The teachers , workers , and pupils together must be members of a social unit in the same way as parents , relatives , and children are the family social unit … .
15 Works of authority can be rewritten or subjected to different interpretations in the same way as can other texts .
16 Would it make sense for these activities to be provided by the private sector in the same way as haircuts and cars ?
17 Apart from these exemptions , planning controls operate in rural areas in the same way as in urban areas .
18 ‘ Home ’ in Victorian fiction , corresponding to the actual shift in population , is mainly in the city or its suburbs , where there are no great houses to set the standard ; and even when characters do live in the country , great houses no longer dominate rural communities in the same way .
19 This seems unfortunate since pre-emptive rights are particularly needed in relation to those private companies which are essentially incorporated partnerships and it is difficult to see why , here , the Act could not have treated private companies in the same way as public ones .
20 Not only do you have to work out where your competitors stand at present , but you also have to try and project their future course in the same way you have projected your own and look at how this will affect your own policies in future .
21 Personally , I think that if we can obtain in Cambridgeshire a federation of WEA student groups which will be represented on the Rural Areas Committee of the Extra-Mural Board in the same way as we are represented by a kindred federation in Bedfordshire , there will not be anything lost from the WEA point of view , in the Board being recognised as the responsible body .
22 ‘ I could have opened the outside latch in the same way . ’
23 The interrelation of morality and religion in his thought is such that he regards them as convertible terms in the same way as Truth and ahi sā are convertible terms .
24 Nevertheless , there would appear to be a case for each authority to provide an annual report in the same way as local authorities .
25 I enjoy the actual hunt in the same way that a fisherman enjoys casting his fly or bait near a fish that he has seen in the hope of catching it .
26 Characters can be built up as combinations of dots exactly as described above , while contour maps can be drawn by printing individual dots in the same way as a dot-matrix printer in bit-graphics mode .
27 Well , there was the battle of Jenkins ' ear , in which some eastern lot had to be sorted for mutilating the head of the unfortunate Jenkins in the same way as the Pakistanis modify cricket balls .
28 This rise in the rate of interest leads to a fall in investment spending , as shown in graph ( ii ) , which in turn causes the unc line to shift downwards thereby reducing the equilibrium rate of national income in the same way as in Possibility 1 above .
29 Whilst Rodinal may not be looked upon as a standard developer by the photographic industry in the same way that Ilford 's ID-II and Kodak 's D-76 are regarded , it is interesting to note for instance that Ilford list , among other developers , Rodinal at a 1:25 dilution , complete with recommended developing times , for its new Delta-400 high-speed emulsion at normal , pull 1-stop and push 1-stop exposure indices .
30 In effect the allied general becomes a subordinate character in the same way as other heroes .
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