Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As with the basic advice for the textual part of a newsletter the message is keep it simple .
2 There is also a possible link with a robbery a month ago at Saughall Motors .
3 Here is a most revealing instance of the way a difference within the same , teleologically construed , can make a great deal of difference : in effect a difference of degree can be as real as a difference of kind but in a different way : the lesser is inferior and thereby inimical in a way the antithetical can not be , and the same becomes more ditferent than difference itself .
4 Montagu welcomed dissent in India as a sign of blossoming political maturity , and distinguished confidently between legitimate and illegitimate unrest — the latter being that which had for its object ‘ Home Rule ’ , the former that which aspired to political responsibility to the degree the British saw fit to give it .
5 Used outdoors in the summer the bus might go ‘ to the country ’ or ‘ the seaside ’ or off to ‘ a picnic ’ .
6 Despite the efforts of a team of Alpine climbers in the past no exit for any shaft has been found on the exterior of the pyramid .
7 Soon after Naxos , Athens undertook a big aggressive campaign in the south-eastern Aegean , under Kimon 's leadership ; this was perhaps in response to allied discontent at the way the league was turning into a machine for policing its own members .
8 Then you 'd put the flimsy over it and then there was a kind of a an e an absorbent kind of a rag the right size , not too wet , cos if it was too wet it would run .
9 Following a casualty which results in the total loss of a vessel the remains of which are causing an obstruction or a danger to other shipping , the Policyholder may be requested by a Harbour Master or Receiver of Wrecks to remove the vessel .
10 The church is reflected in the water The trees are " " " " The flowers are under the trees The trees are both sides of the river The path is along the right bank of the river The church is on the right side of the river The church is in the distance Paragraph : The picture is of a river with trees on both sides , and with flowerbeds under the trees .
11 Beyond the low innocence of the fence the snow was smooth , untrampled .
12 In the weeks of intense political feuding before the poll the hard-liners had accused the government and sections of the religious establishment , including the country 's spiritual leader , Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , of attempting to purge them from positions of influence .
13 That said , the drinks sector seemed relieved that the Chancellor has paid some attention to the risk of driving business across the Channel to the Calais supermarkets , the building sector was prepared to look for possible beneficiaries from the approval the Chancellor has given to rail links in South-east England , oil benefited from the abolition of PRT on new North Sea fields , the motor trade seemed to take the threat of fuel taxes in excess of inflation in its stride , and WH Smith reflected a sense of relief that VAT has not been extended to books and newspapers .
14 You should look for the biggest gap between waves , this will probably occur on a gentle slope of the beach , as on a steep part of the beach the waves will break closer together .
15 ‘ As well , of course , we now know that there 's a very direct link between the amount a woman smokes and her chance of miscarrying .
16 Whether the men had truly neglected their duties is unknown , though in view of the social norms of the period the drinking must have been heavy indeed to have been called ‘ excessive ’ , but employment in government service , even when obtained , was never easy to retain , and the chance of doing so was greatly enhanced by a wise choice of political friends .
17 The Tory MP for Aylesbury , Timothy Raisin , is calling for a fresh look into the way the social fund is operated .
18 We are staying in what was the British part of the city a long time ago , and as you can imagine the ‘ British Imperialists ’ are not very popular here , but everyone is kind to us , and does n't mention such things .
19 There are manifest dangers in the way a relative norm is chosen , but once it is accepted that relative validity is all we can aim at these need not worry us unduly .
20 In the dim light of the basement the earl , it was thought , had battered the wrong woman .
21 The number of responses is in itself a clear indication of the interest the Green Paper has aroused and the importance of the issues it has raised .
22 The people up there speak a Tibetan dialect , and in the high pastures along the border the nomads still live in their black tents with their yaks .
23 By pushing the sail over to the left-hand side of the board the CE is also moved , causing the board to steer to the right .
24 Seymour-Ure 's detailed study of the part the mass media have played in British politics contains a considered summary , and clarification , of the concepts of ‘ effect ’ and ‘ impact ’ .
25 It is perfectly simple , relatively speaking , to store on magnetic tape within a computer a full catalogue entry , including a classification symbol or symbols , and to label each segment of the information in such a way that the computer can be programmed to find it on demand .
26 One of the most popular motifs at the time the shop opened was of swans and lions , which came from an old , heraldic design ; another was a Persian print showing a fantastical dog in a jungle of giant thistles .
27 Apart from the cut-off , and the known greater sensitivity of the top half of the RAM no vertical variation in sensitivity has been apparent and no experiment was conducted to measure this more precisely .
28 However , since the decision in Fowler v. Lanning , which held that in an action for unintentional trespass to the person the plaintiff must prove negligence on the part of the defendant the same may be true of cases of trespass to goods , though the matter can not be regarded as finally settled .
29 The rebuilt database will reflect all completed transactions at the time the error was detected .
30 There 's noting like the two weeks of exciting tennis on the television every summer to get the local course overflowing with putative Beckers .
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