Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] her through the " in BNC.

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1 Yet if Elizabeth relied more heavily than her predecessors on direct taxation to carry her through the years of peace , she showed a greater reluctance than her father to squeeze the country heavily in times of war .
2 But it took a trained observer to follow her through the quicksands of her disapprobation ; a false step on the part of one of the aunts , for instance , could have reversed her attitude , and led her into a eulogy of black , into a martyred position whence the garments of all the others were an insult to her lone and exclusive widowhood , into a position where she alone had the right to flout the weight of tradition .
3 From time to time , too , Jenna caught Alain 's dark eyes watching her through the driving mirror , and she was greatly relieved when they began to skirt Paris .
4 She looked up and found Alain 's eyes on her , the dark gaze studying her through the driving mirror .
5 The numbing stupor got her through the next few hours .
6 Luke came round the car and took her arm in a firm grasp to lead her through the gate and up the path to the front door .
7 Her emotions felt fragmented ; all thought of a businesslike façade to carry her through the afternoon seemed meaningless .
8 She could not but be gratified and relieved at the possibility of a small sum to see her through the likely lean period before she could get another post .
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