Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At a time when galleries are retrenching or closing , it is nice to be able to report this exciting European link forged by the energetic Hue-Williams , and to note the arrival of Marianne Holtermann , private dealer in modern and contemporary art , who has opened an office above Bolger Carpets at 31 New Bond Street .
2 The underlying cause for this decision was the awful damage caused by the savage winter of 1709 .
3 Classic bathrooms inspired by the great ages of design .
4 To enable an explicit comparison of the different conceptions of economic change held by the three theories , the substance of each is summarized in section 3.6 .
5 A retention is often used as a means of resolving a specific difficulty identified by the due diligence exercise ( see also Chapter 2 , page 51 ) .
6 Therefore , his main studies were amongst the great wealth of practical and devotional literature written by the earlier Puritan authors .
7 Whereas Hitchcock 's last British film , the pre-war Jamaica Inn ( 1939 ) , could be said to be dealing with a similar area of subject matter to , say , Hatter 's Castle ( 1941 ) , the emotional level struck by the latter is a world away from the former .
8 This position was also felt to have been influenced by the controversial decision taken by the Arab League Council in September to speed up the transfer of the Arab League headquarters from Tunis to the Egyptian capital Cairo , a decision first taken in March [ see pp. 37334 ; 37726 ] , and by the lack of large-scale Western aid to support domestic economic reforms and to compensate for serious economic losses forecast as a result of the Gulf crisis .
9 In Slovakia , on the other hand , the chief victor was Vladimir Meciar 's Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , whose nationalist platform drew heavily on economic discontent engendered by the harsh application of Klaus 's free-market principles , and favoured greater state intervention , if necessary supported by budget deficits .
10 An ECU 500 million ( about US$625 million line of credit for food and agricultural products guaranteed by the European Communities ( EC ) to the former Soviet Union , which had been delayed since November , was finally granted to Russia alone , it was announced on March 4 by Deutsche Bank , whose Luxembourg subsidiary was the lead bank of the consortium providing the credit .
11 It is instructive to compare this document with the statement on Automation and Technical Change adopted by the 1965 Trades Union Congress .
12 For many years the sound of the Precision , whether by accident or design , simulated that of a double bass , with a distinct bias towards the low frequencies emitted by the lower E and A strings , but a comparatively weak response from the other two .
13 Protests were made in the Commons over the exclusion of Argyll and Bute and western parts of Moray from the regional grant earmarked by the European Commission for the Highlands and Islands .
14 The rescript was a powerful exhortation to patriotism , loyalty , filial piety , obedience and duty within the political framework established by the Meiji Constitution .
15 Antiracism in this sense is a phenomenon which grew out of the political openings created by the 1981 riots .
16 Also , strikes are responsible for an almost negligible amount of lost time compared with total hours worked by the employed population .
17 Such agreements on extraterritoriality are common where American forces or advisers are stationed abroad , but in Iran it aroused memories of the humiliating capitulations demanded by the British and the Russians in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
18 In the case of national trends , fiscal and monetary Policies adopted by the Labour government between 1976 and 1979 and particularly by the Conservative government between 1979 and 1982 had a marked effect on many urban manufacturing companies .
19 Crossman Block have wholly taken over from Lloyd & Co. and are now the sole solicitors instructed by the interim government .
20 In music for court entertainments , masques and dramatic intermedii , a group of Florentine musicians influenced by a learned Humanist , Girolamo Mei , who had come to the correct conclusion that ancient Greek music had been monodic , mixed madrigals with a new kind of monody in ‘ another way of singing than the usual ’ ( un altro modo di cantare che l'ordinario ) .
21 In a typically British way , we have failed to take the credit that is due to us for that achievement , which had its origins in the Kangaroo group of Members of the European Parliament founded by the late Basil de Ferranti specifically to break down the trade barriers that existed in Europe at a time when none of the other major Community partners wanted to know anything about it .
22 The European Parliament voted by a large majority in January 1990 to freeze scientific co-operation between EC countries and Israel until universities on the West Bank , which had been closed since the beginning of the uprising , were reopened .
23 The combined maps issued by the three tramway companies used a symbol to indicate through services , under the description ‘ Services are operated ’ , and the intending passenger might have been forgiven for expecting to see Company 's cars working on them .
24 They are condemned as signs of unclear or lazy thinking — and , indeed , when they are overused or inappropriately used ( as in a wall of political hedging erected by a defensive politician ) — they are widely and justifiably attacked .
25 A recent application for an agricultural cottage made by a nearby resident was turned down .
26 Fascinating because it has been brought together by one of Britain 's leading painters ( although Hodgkin denies that the bright colours and strong forms employed by the Mughal period artists have influenced his art ) it is also an important entity in its own right .
27 Culled largely from pieces that first appeared in Melody Maker over the last few years , it amounts to the precise , enthusiastic explication of ‘ bliss ’ ; a kind of untidy sensual and emotional confusion engendered by the disruptive , abnormal qualities of his favourite music ( which includes the Pixies , Sonic Youth and Public Enemy ) .
28 On July 26-28 government officials held talks with an Iranian delegation led by the Iranian deputy Foreign Minister Allahedin Borujerdi in an attempt to end the fighting .
29 Van den Boogard concentrated his study on revealing characteristics shared by the Anglo-Norman fabliaux which could be explained by reference to the peculiar situation of the Anglo-Norman community .
30 He turned to rest his head on the high stone mantel above the fire and she could see the broad shoulders outlined by the fiery light in the grate .
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