Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A switch of a very subtle kind appears in another passage from The Night Watchmen .
2 We know too little about the internal social relations of some of the earliest collective and collaborative forms to speak with any certainty of that stage .
3 On St Kilda solifluction and the formation of pro-talus ramparts occurred at this time ( Sutherland et al. , 1984 ) .
4 Their report shows that you 're most likely to fall ill visiting Egypt , Gambia , Turkey and Latin America , while 18 per cent of Spanish holiday-makers suffer from some kind of lurgy .
5 In view of the apparently conflicting views expressed by this court in other cases , in two of which I was personally involved , I would like to add some words of my own .
6 The direct consequences of this dramatic political change differed in each state , but paralleled each other , consolidating each alliance 's power .
7 There are many other distinctions which the Aborigines make which we do not — an illustration of the fact that the world does not come pre-packed into nameable entities waiting for each language to pin its names on .
8 Publication in the Chinese language of anecdotal cases treated in this way has not helped in disseminating knowledge about the use of traditional Chinese herbal medicines .
9 In most African countries , government involvement in , and even supervision of , the press may not rest on such ideological precepts : sound pragmatic and economic reasons exist for that involvement .
10 The Croatian cities conquered in this expedition retained a degree of local autonomy by playing off Venice against Hungary as the fortunes of Dalmatia oscillated between the two rival powers .
11 The word " God " in all the theistic religions refers to that Mystery which is at once transcendent and immanent .
12 The complete narrative proposed by this group is as follows , with letters retained for ease of reference , but with the gaps between the sentences closed up in order to render the sequence 'story-like " .
13 This judgement was made by comparing the percentage of the regional budget devoted to this service with the corresponding percentages in other regions .
14 The proposed new law curbing this type of blatantly dishonest description given by some estate agents is not before time .
15 For the top teams in the group of eight this would mean a total of 40 league games as opposed to the 44 matches which will have to be fulfilled if the 12-club division continued for another season .
16 The shores rang to the sound of his skates against the ice , a resonant hollow warble drawn at each stride from the depths of the lake .
17 It is impossible from purely behavioural experiments conducted with neurologically intact subjects to specify with any accuracy the locus in the brain of those neural events which intervene between presentation of a stimulus and the occurrence of some response .
18 The technical term used for this cash limit is the external finance limit ( EFL ) , reflecting its rather different status .
19 ‘ Materials unaccounted for ’ is the specific term used for any kind of discrepancy between the book inventory and the actual inventory . ’
20 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–4 rugose oral papillae , although in some specimens thee maybe more giving the appearance of a double row .
21 There is a single pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 sometimes 4 oral papillae ; the distalmost of which is distinctly block-like .
22 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 4 pointed slightly rugose oral papillae ; Mortensen ( 1927 ) reports that there may be as many as 8 each side .
23 There is one long pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–5 long thin oral papillae the distalmost of which may have the free end enlarged .
24 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–5 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is long and rectangular .
25 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is leaf shaped with a rounded outer edge .
26 There is one pointed , slightly angular , apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 to 4 irregularly arranged long pointed oral papillae , some of which are slightly flattened .
27 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is long with its free and widened and squared off .
28 There is one large pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 rounded spinelike oral papillae .
29 There is one , sometimes two , pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 5–6 oral papillae , the proximal ones are pointed similar in shape to the apical papilla but distally they become rounded , and the distalmost one is large and opercular .
30 There is one rounded apical papilla flanked on each side by up to 5 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is large , rectangular and opercular .
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