Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [adv prt] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All that is required now is for each tip to be lifted in turn from the worktop , and the strong tape folded over to form a complete pocket at each corner .
2 And then , from down below , an enraged roaring swelled up to fill the staircase .
3 And then one night , one bright and starlit night , a true free dragon came by to pay a call .
4 German companies rallied round to form a holding company just to buy Daimler shares .
5 The smoke-brown translucent top lifts up to reveal a heavenly miniature pool which fills with pre-warmed water .
6 This creative period was followed by an exploitive period in which many theoretical physicists moved in to apply the new mechanics to a host of significant problems .
7 The truth is that Holland were not Holland last night , just a raw collection drafted in to complement the remnants of their regular side .
8 She stretched out her hand and saw a green , damp limb reach out to touch the mirror-frog 's webbed foot .
9 Not surprisingly , left-inclined social scientists go on to take the view that good sense can only be made of British politics if the pluralist ideology is set aside and a start to understanding is made elsewhere than in the world of interest-group activity .
10 And that 's like an old specification tarted up to sell a few extra cars .
11 US$140,000,000 already pledged by the International Development Association towards a social fund set up to cushion the impact of economic reforms [ see p. 38209 ] was to be topped up to US$500,000,000 .
12 Er they tend to be more sophisticated and slimmer and nice looking , but we have quite a few craftsmen around now , no blacksmiths as such , but even in the old days er you had rather cheaper versions made with wooden handles and just a nice piece of light Tinwooey bent over to form the board , the mould board and that .
13 One absent-minded hand moved up to scratch a breast .
14 Sydney : Early buying petered out to leave the All Ordinaries index up 3.9 points at 1,775.6 .
15 She remembered Abdu as the little Nubian boy sent out to fetch the morning editions of the European newspapers .
16 The Truman Administration had already been forced by Congress to end Lend-Lease ; many of the joint boards set up to co-ordinate the Anglo-American war effort were summarily dismantled ; and , although the Combined Policy Committee and the Combined Development Trust survived , the flow of technical information , on which Britain was depending to set up her own atomic establishments , began to dry up .
17 Mungo had a vision of his dark head tilted back to drink the rain , and his outstretched palms held up to the sun .
18 That night , Dot was to sleep on two extra blankets folded over to make a thin mattress for he , the man , would be in the bed where Dot used to sleep .
19 Extra staff brought in to clear the backlog should be kept on until a thorough review is made .
20 Dad goes off to the gin shop , gallant daughter stays up to put the old soak to bed . ’
21 However , Ed James , one of the joint receivers called in to keep the company afloat , gave an assurance that the ship would return to the Tyne on Thursday or Friday next week .
22 Marriage certificates , unfortunately , often enter ‘ Of full age ’ in the column marked ‘ Age ’ , but where precise information is given it is an easy step to go on to discover the birth certificates of the married couple .
23 More than once I have seen a hapless opponent reaching down to scoop a front kick that never comes , and getting caught on the undefended side of the head !
24 Well-dressed ladies in large hats came along to hear the judgement , and the room was bright with colour .
25 One is to settle for being a minority government , and hope to collect enough support each time a parliamentary vote comes up to win the day and stay in office .
26 In conventional trials set up to assess the efficacy of a new drug , the drug is given to a group of patients suffering from a particular illness , and the effects are compared with those obtained in a matched group of patients given a dummy ( or placebo ) drug .
27 ‘ The Scotch lassies came down to do the herring for the barrel processing , the same as the Dutch , the pickle processing , and some splitting for kippers in the fish-houses .
28 Abkhazian troops went on to take the villages of Gantiadi and Leselidze on Oct. 6 , thus establishing control over the whole of northern Abkhazia , from the capital Sukhumi to the border with Russia .
29 In an effort to curb the man-eaters some very strange ruses have recently been attempted , including putting out dummy woodcutters wired up to give an electric shock .
30 During a debate in the Nationalrat on the report of the parliamentary commission set up to investigate the secret files affair , Arnold Koller , Justice and Police Minister , said on March 6 , 1990 , that a new law would be introduced to place the security service under the control of parliament .
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