Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Selmer used a well-known paint specialist called Derek Adams , who put finishes on much of the British guitar output of the time — Watkins , etc. — and the ‘ pink ’ Fenders you refer to were Derek Adams ' attempt at Fiesta Red .
2 The vendor should also take advice on the tax implications of identifying the maximum price payable as the Inland Revenue will at the time of sale assume that the maximum price is payable and tax the vendor accordingly .
3 The Information in these product particulars is based on Midland Bank 's understanding of current law and Inland Revenue practice at the time of printing .
4 ‘ Tin Pan Alley has unleashed a new monster , a sort of nightmare in rhythm ’ , wrote a Daily Mail correspondent at the time or the cinema riots in 1956 .
5 The courtheard Mr James had been arguing with his pregnant girlfriend 16 year old Jessie Barnes at the time .
6 But I was gon na tell you about there was one day I was at for money and I 'm coming up the road , and here this chap was standing in the road and er kind of thumbing a lift , so I says to him , I stopped and I often lift people in the road but er after he got into the , I had an old Bradford van at the time , and he said er , I said to him , I says , are you on a hiking holiday ?
7 It must have been almost everybody 's favourite comedy series of the time — possibly of all time . )
8 In order to determine if this had occurred , the biopsy free leucine enrichments were measured and compared with the plasma free leucine enrichment at the time of taking the biopsy .
9 Some say that hunting in old burned-over sites when the oak leaves first appear is a good and fruitful strategy , but others insist that morels are best collected in old apple orchards at the time when the lilacs bloom .
10 The Anderson trial caused great controversy in Australia because Anderson , the sect 's public relations spokesman at the time of the bombing , always denied the charge and claimed that he was being framed by the police and the intelligence services .
11 Now we were using a rather old radio set at the time called a TR9 that was not one of the better things that our radio and radar boffins produced for us in the early days of RT air-to-ground and vice-versa .
12 Though he mixes fact with imagination , he provides a lively picture of an English country house of the time .
13 ( Like many British design engineers at the time — and unlike Continental or American ones — he had no university training and had come up through the usual apprenticeship route with evening and part-time study . )
14 In that month the Government decided to impose a ban on exports which could worsen the conflict between Iraq and Iran , said Alan Collins , a Foreign Office official at the time .
15 It seems to have originated in the personal computer segment about the time Compaq proved it could supply 286 machines that were comparable to IBM 's … and do so in a more timely fashion .
16 As a result of these commands LIFESPAN RDBI will be queued to execute from the stated batch queue at the time specified in its configuration file .
17 Unastounding today , his openness shocked and perplexed the establishment and anti-drug abuse authorities at the time , especially in the panic-stricken aftermath of Sharon Tate and other horrendous drug-related deaths of that time , including Brian Jones , Jimi Hendrix , Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison .
18 He 'd been working in the welded body section at the time .
19 Table I shows the excellent preservation of left ventricular ejection fraction in the long term in the surviving patients : 11 of 14 patients performed more than 9 minutes of exercise with the standard Bruce protocol at the time of their most recent annual review ( 1991–2 ) .
20 not more than 10% of the issued ordinary share capital for the time being may in aggregate become issuable under all schemes during the ten year life of the Scheme ;
21 not more than 5% of the issued ordinary share capital for the time being may in aggregate become issuable during the ten year life of the Scheme ; and
22 in any five year period not more than 5% of the issued ordinary share capital for the time being may in aggregate become issuable under all employee share schemes ;
23 in the four year period commencing on the date of adoption of the Scheme not more than 2.5% of the issued ordinary share capital for the time being may be issued under the Scheme .
24 The maximum number of new ordinary shares that may become issuable pursuant to options granted under the Executive Scheme during any ten year period is 5% of the Company 's issued ordinary share capital for the time being subject to an overriding maximum of 11,677,500 shares which represents approximately 7 ½%; of the Company 's issued ordinary share capital as it presently stands .
25 Furthermore , the maximum number of new ordinary shares that may become issuable pursuant to options granted under all of the Company 's share option schemes during any ten year period is 10% of the Company 's issued ordinary share capital for the time being .
26 the number of shares issued under any employee share scheme not involving the grant of options , when aggregated with the number of shares made issuable pursuant to options granted ( excluding lapsed options ) under the Executive Scheme and any other employee share option scheme shall not in any ten year period exceed 10% of the Company 's issued ordinary share capital for the time being ;
27 the number of shares made issuable pursuant to options granted ( excluding lapsed options ) under the Executive Scheme and any other employee share option scheme ( other than a savings related scheme ) shall not in any ten year period exceed 5% of the Company 's issued ordinary share capital for the time being ; and
28 the total number of shares issued or capable of being issued pursuant to options granted under the Executive Scheme during the four year period commencing on the date of adoption shall not exceed 2.5% of the issued ordinary share capital for the time being .
29 Information on grade of employment was obtained by asking participants to give their civil service grade at the time of the baseline survey .
30 It was a tremendous civil engineering achievement at the time , as the canal was dug by hand .
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