Example sentences of "[art] few [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the few thousand years that civilized man has lived on Earth , there has been an extremely large number of volcanic eruptions .
2 The memorial is on the slopes of Hill 107 where the few remaining officers and 200 men of both squadrons including mechanics , armourers , clerks and cooks , fought as infantry alongide New Zealand soldiers .
3 Nightingale Park is in Edmonton and offers a few remaining studios and one-bedroom apartments , priced from £42,000 and £48,000 respectively .
4 He was able to assure her that in spite of a few twisted ankles and bruised limbs , those same Jocks were skiing not half badly by the time that strange wartime holiday was over .
5 Danvers , Massachusetts-based PictureTel Corp is cutting prices on its M-8000 bridge product family : it says it will offer a fully H.320 version of its M-8000 Multipoint Bridge starting at $45,000 for the M-8600 with three ports : the M-8600 is for customers with only a few videoconferencing systems and limited requirements for linking a large number of sites on the same call ; the H.320 standards-compliant version will ship in the autumn .
6 But predominantly the architecture is distinctively Lincolnshire with a preponderance of old brick farmhouses and barns , a few whitewashed cottages and many , many churches built of local greenstone .
7 Quiss came back to the table by way of another small , though taller , table over on the far side of the room , where a few dirty cups and cracked glasses stood in a small tin basin under a dripping tap .
8 All the candidates of these parties lost their deposits , as did a few scattered independents and other candidates standing under rather esoteric banners .
9 You 're not talking about a few thousand pounds but millions , millions I shall be borrowing from various banking concerns who are willing to lend that money on the strength of my reputation .
10 Staggering And , after earning at the staggering rate of nearly $60 a second throughout this tournament , he said : ‘ I would rather win Wimbledon again and a few thousand pounds than this tournament and all this money . ’
11 She looked young and pretty and relaxed for the first part of the evening until a ghastly sense of anti-climax set in when she realized that many of the young English guests had arrived well watered and rowdy after their coach trip , soon to become hideously drunk on the Ashley 's generous provision of champagne and wine , with a few dainty canapés and other elegant nibbles .
12 That came from more than a few crossed twigs and dry leaves .
13 Outside it is severe , with only a few small windows and most of those grilled .
14 In this country only lip-service is paid to the handicapped : A few concrete ramps and most councils think they have given the earth .
15 The real power lay outside the House of Commons , in the hands of a few rich magnates and aristocratic landowners .
16 The kingdom of Italy , the second big new state to emerge from the wars of the mid-century , had only to deal with a few French-speaking communities and some Germans in Venetia ; it did not yet have to face a minorities problem .
17 Roman Catholicism has been more in line with the other great world religions in insisting that mysticism is only for a few chosen souls and that , unless one has this special propensity , mysticism can be a serious health threat .
18 There 's a sensation of well tailored black uniforms rustling in the room and I get the impression from the general atmosphere and a few exchanged looks that this is a contentious point .
19 Right , and that , that 's obviously a , an and if you look at it , it 's it 's got a few less squiggles than that one , but it 's a , it 's a version of .
20 What it was was a dirty patch of fenced-off sand with a few straggly trees and occasional tufts of scrawny grass .
21 Doubtless there were a few stiff backs and aching muscles to contend with after it was all finished .
22 After she had gone Paul made himself known to Dr Heatherton , to whom he had not previously addressed himself ; was rewarded by a few courteous words and good wishes for his progress ; and then went home .
23 So the criticisms levelled against citation analysis as guide to value in science distil down into a few fragmentary points that any sensible funding body would be more than capable of bearing in mind .
24 ‘ We have a couple of injuries from this game but there were also a few bruised egos and broken hearts .
25 Erm there there were quite a few interesting debates that that came up about policing after the riots , I mean initially it was the fact that you did n't see any policemen in the flats at all .
26 Also , I 've decided not to brush down the table or re-mark it or clean the balls : I reckon a few bad kicks and some low-lying grit on the baize will unsettle him more than they will me .
27 The catering industry in East Lancashire is dominated by small hotels , a few modest-sized restaurants and some pubs with limited eating facilities .
28 At a later date , however , the fort was probably moved to lower ground and so closer to the site of the future town ; two pieces of cavalry equipment from the Bleachfield Road area plus a few Claudian coins and some slight remains of early timber-framed buildings , might be thought to support this view .
29 I also have a few old postcards if these are of any use . ’
30 A few Chinese sparrows and Chinese magpies is all I 've seen .
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