Example sentences of "[art] few [adj] [noun pl] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The commission looks to be an inspired choice on the part of New York 's Metropolitan Opera House , who will stage the premiere in October 1992 , for Glass is one of the few contemporary composers who could claim to have a made a journey in any way comparable to that of Columbus .
2 Brooks is one of the few smaller brands which can genuinely boast a complete range .
3 ‘ On the other hand , ’ said Dexter , through a mouthful of chicken tikka masalla , one of the few Indian dishes he could stomach , ‘ there might just be something to this drugs thing . ’
4 These days she is one of the few top Tories who can still command respect in this country and has tremendous status abroad .
5 You must concentrate on a dairy and maybe a few tender crops we could never grow up north .
6 But with a few well-chosen books you can know where to look for the information you need .
7 While the inclination may vary from a modest rise to a mountainside , there are a few golden rules you can follow .
8 However , in saying that there are a few Irish players who will be disappointed at not being selected .
9 ‘ There are quite a few archaeological sites Ah 'd like to have a look at while Ah 'm here . ’
10 This is all to the good but there are a few bare bones we should like you to ‘ gnaw on ’ just in case complacency sets in !
11 If you look through the components lists of a few recent projects you will no doubt find some that only use common components , but most seem to use at least one or two ‘ specials ’ .
12 The terms of this description make it absolutely clear that Polygnotos did not adhere to the single ground-line but placed his figures up and down the field with some rudimentary indication of setting ; and a few Athenian vases which must have been painted around the sixties show the same thing .
13 Simple measures such as keeping doors and windows closed , providing adequate containers for odorous material , covering the contents , refrigeration where necessary and the careful disposal of odorous or potentially odorous waste , are just a few preventative measures which ought to be taken in all trades , but particularly so in the animal byproduct industry , where putrescible matter is concerned .
14 We men , we know not what loftiness we might reach if only for a few small hours we could by carefulness of life , morally and physically so exact ourselves that scarce any utmost purity of air were too perfect for us .
15 There are a few special signs you 'll need to learn to make signalling easier .
16 It really is quite simple , but there are a few basic rules you must adhere to if you do n't want to flood the canal system or find yourself adrift in the middle of the night !
17 She began to feel that if she did this a few more times she would get the hang of it .
18 So let me spell out a few more advantages you may not have realised before :
19 They had little hope of bringing up fresh provisions in these conditions , and if they lengthened their lines by a few more miles they would have no hope at all .
20 Like all the other young men I had imagined that after a few brisk preliminaries I would be sitting in an aeroplane , learning to fly , but it turned out that this was so far in the future that it was hardly mentioned .
21 There are a few out-and-out strikers who can be guaranteed to deliver the goods .
22 With a few deft eye-blinks they can clear their field of vision and watch the world about them for clues of special danger .
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