Example sentences of "[art] few [noun] [noun pl] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We floundered around for an hour or so , seeing a few wood sandpipers and dusky redshanks ( who invariably saw us first ) .
2 Vary the order with a few vegetable dishes and steamed rice .
3 Most were Kamalians but there were also Spaniards from the Basque region , Africans from the front-line states , plus a few East Germans and one man from the Republic of Ireland .
4 Ten years is a long time in the world of books , but I do remember there was not nearly such a fuss over the original 1983 list : a rather uncomfortable party in some medical establishment , a few diary paragraphs and that was it .
5 Only a few city regions and industrial areas gained constantly throughout the period ( figure 2. 11 ) .
6 4oz ( 100g ) boiled brown rice mixed with 1oz ( 25g ) each of peas , sweetcorn , red and green peppers , cucumber , a few spring onions and 1 chopped tomato , plus a diet fromage frais or yogurt OR 4 Ryvitas spread with reduced-oil salad dressing or a little horseradish sauce , and 3 oz ( 75g ) salmon , tuna or mackerel , topped with sliced cucumber , plus 1 piece of any fresh fruit
7 This was mainly rural farmland with a few market towns and small coastal resorts .
8 Today most ports have only a few fishing boats but large fleets still work from three of the ports .
9 If America is to win in the new global competition , we need to begin telling one another a new story in which companies compete by drawing on the talent and creativity of all their employees , not just a few maverick inventors and dynamic CEOs .
10 Casualties amounted to one man killed , a few flesh wounds and two jeeps destroyed .
11 By 3pm Dez had washed 39 cars , mostly Jaguars , Mercedes , Porsches and even a couple of Rolls Royces , plus a few Ford Escorts and other smaller cars , and was appealing for more cars ! .
12 The hosiery industry was traditionally one consisting almost entirely of small family firms , but twenty years ago a few yarn suppliers and other major companies bought out large numbers of them .
13 Rifle Club It was reported that the rifle club had again had a successful season and had taken part in a few Game Fairs and National Competitions .
14 Rifle Club It was reported that the rifle club had again had a successful season and had taken part in a few Game Fairs and National Competitions .
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