Example sentences of "[art] end [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So you 've got a continuous series of forms erm but at the ends of the ring the erm two species are behaving as good species and as distinct , and at what point could you say there 's been a sudden break .
2 Some years ago the teachers of one language pronounced themselves satisfied that at the end of a year the students of it had the capacity for literary reading ; the equally competent and concerned teachers of another language were convinced that their students had achieved no such capacity , and that the process was rather a waste of time .
3 At the end of a month the chimp 's portfolio was up by more than £125 , while his closest rival managed only £105 .
4 Typically , at the end of an experiment the animals are killed , their brains removed and thin sections cut through the lesion sites .
5 At the end of an interview the informant will be thanked for co-operating and left feeling satisfied after what was an interesting and worthwhile discussion .
6 At the end of the hut a boy waited , sitting hunched on an upper bunk , for darkness to come to the living quarters because then he could go to the mattress of the man who loved him …
7 At the end of the output the total area of the polygons and the number of points processed is given .
8 At the end of the procedure a 10 or 12 French Cope loop drainage catheter ( Cook Urological ) was left in the gall bladder on free drainage .
9 Turning , he saw at the end of the cul-de-sac a police-car .
10 Past the end of the lake a limestone grotto is reached , affording shelter but not now maintained in pristine condition .
11 We are now coming into a situation where at the end of the motorway the three lanes are now running into two purely because of the roadworks on the right of the Uxbridge roundabout .
12 At the end of the fourth-century a search organized by Sant' Ambrogio discovered the remains of the martyrs San Nazaro and San Celso in this part of the city .
13 At the end of the gallery the girl halted , gazing down into the hall through one of the archways cut into the wall .
14 In April 1102 the pope still spoke of homage and investiture in equally uncompromising terms , but by the end of the year a change of emphasis is observable .
15 Italy and the Benelux states were ready to proceed without their more reticent partners , but in the event all EC members entered the Conference in September , and by the end of the year a number of changes to the Treaty of Rome had been defined , which were contained in the so-called ‘ Single European Act ’ .
16 By the end of the year a total of 140 nuclear launchers and 3,200 nuclear guns would have been removed ( and this , he said later , would leave only a " relatively very small amount " of Soviet battlefield nuclear weapons in Europe ) .
17 Preparations were set in motion to introduce by the end of the year a much shorter " core " list of restricted items , affecting only 30-50 per cent of the 116 items on the current list .
18 Yet by the end of the year the fuel supply was still critical .
19 But by the end of the year the ‘ green bill ’ had been quietly dropped and the environmental ‘ network ’ had vanished into a general belief in the need for good , informal relations with Friends of the Earth and other environmental organizations .
20 At the same time , interest rates were reduced , the supply of money was relaxed , and the National Bank forecast that by the end of the year the annual rate of inflation would be down to 55 per cent .
21 In the following year , as already noted , the cost of living rose by 120 per cent ( average for the year ) , and by the end of the year the rate of increase for the previous twelve months had reached 170 per cent .
22 At the end of the year the Board agreed with the Chief Executive , Mr Philip Court , that he could take early retirement , and this took effect from the end of January 1990 .
23 By the end of the year the country had become a republic and the king was on trial for his life ; the Girondins were losing their command of the situation , and some critics have seen Wordsworth 's departure from the scene at this point as evidence that he foresaw their fall from power ( which took place in the summer of 1793 ) .
24 By the end of the year the UDC , which in the summer had fully backed Leeds and urged its local branches to support the establishment of Workers ' and Soldiers Councils , had come round to full support for the Labour Party .
25 By the end of the year the Stockholm Convention had been signed , with the launch of the European Free Trade Association being set for May 1960 .
26 By the end of the year the government was forced to change the situation and announced it would produce a range of standard emergency furniture for bombed persons .
27 A new national insurance system , to provide health insurance , old age pensions and family allowances was also introduced in 1946 , and at the end of the year the Monnet Plan for reconstruction and modernisation was finalised .
28 At the end of the year the Bank received the prime accolade as having the Best Corporate Arts Programme in Great Britain .
29 By the end of the year the various parties had still not managed to organise a first-stage meeting , of Egyptian , Israeli and US officials , which was supposed to discuss a second-stage Israeli-Palestinian meeting on the proposed elections .
30 By the end of the year the government planned for 4,500 industrial enterprises , valued at a total of kcs3,500,000 million , to be available to domestic or foreign purchasers .
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