Example sentences of "[adj] even [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now that should be clear even to the ordinary rugby spectator who has never played in the front row .
2 In an area like Cambridgeshire , courtship habits remained highly ritualised and infraction of the informal norms brought social disapproval and public shaming even into the present century .
3 The traditional Diamond fighter kite as flown all over Eastern nations is remarkably controllable even on a single line , though its flight path is limited to a narrow sector of the downwind area .
4 Samuel Sharp writing in 1847 says : ‘ There is evidence … of its having been a Roman settlement in the time of Agricola , and that his legions established here a permanent encampment , the remains of which are clearly traceable even to the present day . ’
5 During the succession crisis of 1730 complaints against compulsory service were barely audible even among the lesser nobility .
6 However , HARPY 's acoustic-phonetic identification is still not perfect even with the top-down constraint provided by left context , and HARPY is forced to maintain a considerable number of paths through the search graph .
7 Security was paramount even at the then-remote Muroc location .
8 It is a fine sight in binoculars , and the orange colour is noticeable even with the naked eye .
9 My first attempt was a portrait study of a child done from life ; an impossible subject to do directly in paint and not so easy even as a simple drawing .
10 Bad experiences like these make Lindy Layton suspicious even with a gentle soul like me .
11 Quick-witted , volcanic , with a profound knowledge of painting , Rivera was unusual even in the exotic milieu of Montparnasse and Modigliani badly wanted to portray him .
12 Zen smiled too , but privately he heard Gilberto Nieddu 's voice again , the Sardinian accent strong and clear-cut even over the bad line from Rome .
13 The episode and activity checklists 6E and 6A which follow may be found useful even by the inexperienced observer .
14 This illustrates one particular case in which differences in information amongst economic agents allows policy to be effective even within a full price flexible rational expectations model .
15 Salesmen who underperformed even over a short period at the futures bucket shops , were put on " terminal ! "
16 The then Home Secretary , a man notorious even in an unloved job , Henry Brook , banned his entry .
17 This window is almost opulently luminous even on a dull day .
18 The other variable suited to binocular observation is the red semi-regular R Lyræ , whose colour is evident even with a low magnification .
19 The fact that volcanic activity is highly episodic in nature is evident even from the elementary classification of volcanoes into active , dormant and extinct .
20 Webern 's Six Orchestral Pieces , still perceptibly Romantic even with the pruned wind band of 1928 , emerged under Simon Rattle with enormous personality .
21 I am determined to go to Scotland , though unaccompanied even by a single company of soldiers .
22 To another correspondent he wrote , in a letter clearly corrected since , ‘ I am determined to go to Scotland , though unaccompanied even by a single company of soldiers . ’
23 These arise because the symmetry of the free molecule is reduced to that of the environment , which must be very low in the case of a random glassy solid , and may be low even in a crystalline sample .
24 Evidence for this is so freely available even within a single language that it may be overlooked ; a random pair of examples from English , one abstract , one " concrete " , would be those in ( 40 ) and ( 41 ) , each showing the same notion present twice but only once in the guise of a noun : ( 40 ) the male ape has amazing strength the male ape is amazingly strong ( 41 ) Steve 's scarf was greasy there was grease on Steve 's scarf The question is not essentially affected by the need to enter certain caveats related to the superficial grammar of the language concerned ; thus in English , unlike for example Russian or Latin , there are relatively few nouns which can instantiate an entity without some article or other determiner playing a supporting part .
25 And it is submitted that it will be void even against a subsequent chargee who has notice .
26 It is particularly interesting in the way that it counters the widely held view that Los Alamos was dragging its feet over the development of the Super even after the presidential directive in early 1950 for a crash programme towards producing a hydrogen weapon .
27 His preference for a free vote in East Germany , enabling that country to join its western neighbour , is excessively sanguine even in the medium term , in its assumptions about the consequences for the international system as a whole .
28 Repeated unsuccessful attempts to cut down , and not feeling drunk even after a large quantity of alcohol , are other warning signs .
29 Not only are they the most identifiable group in terms of their appearance , but also in terms of the high level of activity among the group which is apparent even to the casual observer .
30 A good deal has been written in recent years about Primitive Catholicism , the tendency apparent even within the New Testament period itself to domesticate the Holy Spirit , to make him the perquisite of the Church .
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