Example sentences of "[adj] even [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The money was demanded by the state from the citizen and the inequalities of the parties ' respective positions is manifest even in the case of a major financial institution like Woolwich .
2 She was trembling uncontrollably beneath him as he levered her knees wide to accommodate his strength , his shaft probing the tight , delicate sweetness of her , the glitter of triumph in his eyes unmistakable even in the half-light in the bedroom .
3 In consequence the wealth of research contained in the bibliographies I have mentioned often fails to follow through the deep structures of police culture or establish the ways in which the culture is self-sustaining even in the face of calls for social change .
4 There was no sign of being unprepared in his typically confident singing , audible even at the end of Act One .
5 AN ANIMAL SOUND , like a bull in tumescence , was intruding in the helmet , a yowling , roaring noise , audible even above the roar of the engine behind my shoulders and the rush of wind which was buffeting them .
6 I find it a sad small dramatic irony that Leslie never knew what I did at Bletchley , and , naturally , was unaware even of the existence of Ultra , let alone its significance in his own military enterprises .
7 However the author got through 3182 lines without mentioning Christ , or salvation , and yet without saying specifically that his heroes , including the kind and honest figure of Beowulf himself , were damned — though he must have known that historically and in reality they were all pagans , ignorant even of the name of Christ .
8 Reminders of this are visible even in the decor of the red-light quarter .
9 Changes of character brought about by the fluctuation of material conditions were so marked that they were noticeable even at the time from within the camp .
10 New east-west fold mountains immediately began to be destroyed again , producing mountains of conglomerate such as the fantastic shapes of Montserrat , near Barcelona ( plate 8.1 ) which is remarkable even in a country of conglomerates like Spain .
11 Although I ca n't actually recall being prepared for it by my mother , it was only too obvious even to a child of seven years that something was pretty seriously wrong .
12 Some rather fundamental reform of the international monetary system would have been inevitable even without the deterioration in the US balance of payments at the end of the 1960s .
13 For there really is something a little odd surrealist even in the idea of a folding-leaf Dining ( Bird ) Table , where the flaps are made to beat up and down like the wings of a bird .
14 What A View of the Present State of Ireland saves its worst condemnation for is those Old English who had ‘ degenerated ’ and gone native even to the point of abandoning their original names and taking Gaelic ones .
15 Descartes refused to be sure even of the reality of the external universe until he had proved a priori to his own satisfaction that he was not dreaming it .
16 These were important even in the run-up to Suez .
17 So was the hard , strong outline of his body , very evident even through the covering of his clothes .
18 He still maintains that non-violence is the nobler way , and that the prevention of the brutalization of human nature is preferable even to the prevention of his own suffering or the suffering of his own people .
19 Hence , speculating against ERM parities can be profitable even in the absence of fundamental competitiveness problems , a fact illustrated most recently by Spain .
20 Ways of organising struggles that were appropriate to a phase of economic growth and full employment must now be reviewed and revised ; although the scope and diversity of trade union education have remained admirably broad even under the impact of the crisis , defence of past achievements must as ever be supported by an appraisal of shortcomings and deficiencies .
21 Their displacement was not however immediately perceptible even to a writer like Disraeli , who was critically interested both in the architecture and in the social function of great houses .
22 The programme and strategy mapped out before the election began was followed — down to Tuesday 's photo opportunity in a Cornish seal sanctuary — and was undiverted even by the War of Jennifer 's Ear .
23 Low-rise blocks of flats on the same estate squat on scabby scraps of grass , a minefield of dogshit and broken glass , unused even by the army of under-fives who live there .
24 In respect of the more anglicised parts of Wales , such as the Vale of Glamorgan , this statement was probably inaccurate even at the time of writing .
25 His music in general reflects his character , which we know from his letters and from the diagnosis of his friend , the Court doctor Thomas Mermann , to have been manic-depressive ; and comparable extremes are apparent even in the vocabulary of his church music .
26 According to the Swedish psychologist A.Kjellberg , lapses are the most dramatic outcomes of lowered arousal , but as the sleepy subject is performing a work-paced task for any length of time his responses become degraded even before the occurrence of frank lapses in attention .
27 The scenery is spectacular with rugged mountains , hidden sandy beaches , tree covered hills , cool and green even in the heat of summer , groves of olive trees , vineyards full of birdsong and always in the background , the bright blue sea .
28 Their influence over the masses had been tenuous even at the height of their prestige in 1905 .
29 It is obvious that such a definition is defective even within the context of ordinary English usage .
30 The devastation in the city 's Lake Zone , about 400 kilometres from the epicentre , was surprising even for a quake of 8.1 magnitude .
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