Example sentences of "[adj] at the [adj] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although it has been telling the world how successfully it has recovered , Unisys Corp made clear at the annual meeting last week just how parlous the company 's condition remains .
2 The power to renew a seamen 's canteen licence is exercisable at the quarterly meeting three years after the meeting at which the licence was first granted ( subs .
3 Yeltsin was not present at the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet session .
4 Planners need a thorough understanding of the subject field to be explored , and its structure in enquiry ; they need to know what materials , print-form or audio-visual , are available , and suitable , and what special problems they may reveal ; they need to have available at the right time suitable equipment , and places where the equipment may be used , and they need to be sure that the student is able to find and make use of all the resources he may need in the periods of the timetable allotted to the activity .
5 ‘ 'E was making funny noises , ’ the maid offered importantly , and , pleased at the instant attention this won her , added , ‘ Like when me ma 's 'aving another . ’
6 We were am , absolutely amazed at the low awareness that flu is actually preventable .
7 Well after the break , you can buy them , this is one of them , for as little as twenty five pounds , Elton John 's been wearing something altogether more expensive at the High Court this week but does it look much better ?
8 During that trip , Jehan Sadat had been impressed by the progress made by Iran under the Shah , but she said later that she was also appalled at the extravagant opulence that the rich displayed .
9 We think you will be surprised at the remarkable effect this relatively modest-looking quantity of food will have in satisfying your appetite for really long periods .
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