Example sentences of "[adj] at the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We gained in confidence as we pressed on , until suddenly we broke through on to the cliff-top at the other side of the island .
2 In the classified columns of the same newspapers advertisements for the return of runaway apprentices testify as much to harsh treatment as they do to the restlessness of youth , resentful at the constraining nature of apprenticeship .
3 Though it may well be , he wrote , that one actually achieves more working with the wrong plans and in the wrong spirit , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception , it may well be , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that one achieves more than working with the right plans and in the right spirit , with the right tools and the right principles , on the right surface and with the right conception , though right and wrong and more and less are relative concepts and what seems right at one moment to one person may seem wrong at the same moment to another Person or at another moment to the same person , and what seems more to one person at one moment may seem less to another person at the same moment or at another moment to the same person , right , wrong , more , less , relative concepts , scribbled Goldberg , in the margin , panting slightly as he bent over his old Olivetti Portable , there is only the beginning , wrote Harsnet , or rather , there is only having begun , beginning , scribbled Goldberg , aware now of the black stains on his hands left by the felt-tip pen , having begun , there is only the feeling in the pit of the stomach or the feeling in the chest , wrote Harsnet , the feeling of sickness or the feeling of elation , those are not relative , he wrote , those are absolute .
4 However , Ada had made it clear at the first round of talks that the commission had no power to negotiate changes , which had to be approved by referendum .
5 Both tend to be high at the northern edge of the pack ice , over continental and island shelves where turbulence brings fresh resources to the surface , and at boundaries between water masses .
6 Finally , the gap between coverage of the Conservative and Labour Parties widens as the ladder of parliamentary status is ascended , being quite marked at the Prime Minister/Leader of the Opposition level ; Blumler found this a cause for some concern .
7 Motivated by an 1841 paper of Boole , Cayley , who was interested at the same time in algebraic aspects of projective geometry , began seeking invariants of homogeneous forms of degree n in two and more variables .
8 He scanned the empty horizon and frowned , and she quivered , suddenly afraid at the savage look in his eyes .
9 The public had been most incensed at the relative simplicity with which the Royal Mail company had been relieved of their entrusted money .
10 Lin Foh had opened his letter and stopped , staring perplexed at the blank sheet of paper that was inside it .
11 Chapter 12 on school worship will take up this point , and discuss the possibility of overcoming the unfortunate dichotomy between Christian or multi-faith at the practical point of assemblies .
12 It was supremely indifferent , but , even as it burned into her like acid , her fingers were plunging into the midnight darkness of his hair as she invited his kiss again , the tumult of his mouth on hers and in it already a necessity , wildness running in her veins , the heavy aching beat of desire unchecked at the deep core of her womanhood .
13 The Arab masses , indignant at the western humiliation of Saddam Hussein , were expected to rise up against their pro-western leaders .
14 These fees which are PAYABLE at the FIRST MEETING of each year cover the Four meetings held during the year and MUST be paid whether attended or not .
15 In those circumstances , under the law as I hold it , it seems to me that rent is payable at the full rate for the quarters ending September 29 and December 25 , 1945 .
16 Interest is payable at the full rate from the date of death ( Prior v Hastie [ 1987 ] CLY 1219 ; Khan v Duncan ( 1989 ) unreported , Popplewell J ) .
17 He was particularly alarmed at the possible cost of the block plan scheme , and wished to know :
18 The new war led in turn to a breach with France , and during 1740 the British government became seriously alarmed at the simultaneous assembling of a French fleet at Brest and a Spanish one at Ferrol [ or El Ferrol ] , Spain 's chief Atlantic base , 12 miles [ 21 km ] north-east of Corunna .
19 Sonny , alarmed at the deathly pallor of his half-sister 's face , had jumped into the trap and had driven furiously to the village for the doctor .
20 The City was alarmed at the hefty slide into the red and a heavily reduced dividend payout and knocked 19p off the share price to 173p .
21 ‘ I could n't ; I should die of fright , ’ Claudia said , alarmed at the very thought of walking on stage in full view of an audience .
22 She was a loving mother , tall and thin and delighted at the social success of ‘ Captain ’ Masters , the polite way the bank manager doffed his hat to her , and that she was not the only mother who was sending her son to Oxford .
23 On each occasion I felt that insufficient effort had been made by the surgical teams to decide on the capacity to give informed consent , and I was dismayed at the immediate assumption of incapacity because the patient had been sectioned .
24 He spent long hours in the House of Commons and he was skilful at the quiet conduct of minor business .
25 She could tell by the insignia of his uniform that he did n't belong to the regiment billeted at the Hall whose tents were visible at the far end of the park when she cycled up to the house .
26 As I walked between the walls my mind was already in the byre , just visible at the far end of the yard .
27 Inside the Dabs 386DX the processor is just visible at the bottom right of the case .
28 I am angry and disgusted at the feeble-minded lot at Northants and the petty-minded lot at Lord 's .
29 In 1989 , a resident of Penghu , disgusted at the continuing slaughter of dolphins , had purchased some victims of a drive and released them .
30 Yes , I mean you could put it in the minutes , but also it would be quick at the next meeting of this sub-committee is after the election , it 'll be some time in June , so a quick way of dealing with it would be to put it in the bulletin , yes , but also , but I 'll put it in the minutes , as well .
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