Example sentences of "[adj] at [art] [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Like the quatrain poems it is funny at the same time as serious .
2 Thus the pressure , both inner and outer , on teachers to have a clear , articulate rationale for what they are doing is high at the same time as the exploration of the values from which such a rationale must derive is conspicuously out of style .
3 It is that the view of Anglo-American finance as a casino full of rapacious capitalists has become popular at the same time as those countries ' companies were being taken over by the people themselves .
4 Elizabeth Maginnis , the convener , said the timetable for change — starting at the start of next school year and to cover all schools by April 1996 — was unrealistic at the same time as local government was being reformed .
5 If you are parched and need a large bottle of something fizzy at a reasonable price as opposed to a small bottle at an extortionate price , Via Mazzini is the place to go .
6 Class 2 contributions are payable at a flat rate while Class 4 contributions are payable as a percentage of profits .
7 It does indeed get dark at a sensible time so it 's possible to go to bed before about one in the morning .
8 As a time of transition from autarchy and isolation to developmentalist capitalism and international rapprochement , the 1950s in Spain were a time of ambiguity and uncertainty , in which the first signs of a limited degree of liberalism became visible at the same time as the use of the customary repression made it clear that nothing fundamental had changed .
9 Problems of sexual intercourse are as interactive at an unconscious level as some of a couple 's intercourse out of bed .
10 ( b ) The form of the dorsal arm plates , whether or not contiguous or carinate. ( c ) The shape and arrangement of the ventral arm plates — important in separating species of many genera such as Ophiura and Ophiocten. ( d ) The form of the tentacle pores and the arrangement of the tentacle series — both useful at the generic level as in Amphiophiura and Stegophiura and the species level as in the genus Ophiura .
11 Fangorn looks long at the two hobbits when they tell him Gandalf is dead ; he does so because he does n't believe them , having seen Gandalf himself a couple of days before .
12 TRAINS were stuck at a new bridge after a planning blunder meant it was too low for them to get under .
13 Already being used by the law in the US , the head-to-toe outfit gives that Michelin man effect but is , we 're told , light and flexible at the same time as being resistant to punches , bottles and the occasional kicking .
14 This is important at a theoretical level because mathematical analysis of advertising 's apparent effects in the marketplace , as carried out by econometricians ( see Chapter 9 ) , has tended to suggest that the measurable effects of an individual burst of advertising decay very rapidly over quite a short ( usually less than nine months ) period .
15 CD trials , with teachers who are new both to the unit and to the computer system , are important at the present time because most teacher users will be in this category .
16 He is always positive and courteous at the same time as being astute , determined and unwavering in his pursuit of profit .
17 Like ( c ) , ( f ) has slit illumination , but this is stroboscopic at the same frequency as the sound .
18 Emmie felt sorry for him and angry at the same time because he made things so difficult .
19 In many cases those imports are available at a cheaper price than within the Community .
20 The effects of the net changes in social class have been modelled explicitly for the university sector in a number of forecasts ( Diamond and Smith , 1982 , 1984 ; Diamond , 1985 ; AUT , 1983 ; Collins , 1983 ) as well as implicitly by the DES ( 1984a , b , 1986b ) .4 These effects have been the most important single factor for which data have been available at a national level albeit only for the university sector .
21 A daytime nursery for infants under two is available at an extra charge as is evening babysitting .
22 They always got drunk at the Commercial Hotel when their shift was over .
23 This double characterisation was made more hilarious at the first performances when the bossy one was danced by Helpmann , and later the taller MacMillan , with wonderfully extended développés , and the shyer one by Ashton with dainty attempts to be correct at all costs .
24 The importance of diet in this group of patients is that for some diet alone will suffice , while for the rest there must be a good dietary compliance if control is to be optimal at a steady weight whether using oral agents or insulin .
25 In much of the writing on the dependent elderly , the assumption has been made that retirement has become more common at an earlier age because of a reduction in the demand for elderly workers .
26 He also described minute-taking at the final meeting as unfair .
27 The mother was very distressed at the living arrangements as she was the housemaid for the whole extended family and had very little time to spend with her son .
28 Other companies may prefer ‘ bolt-on-on ’ acquisitions to takeovers — buying a division of another group may be possible at a lower multiple than buying a company outright .
29 Some suggestions a that membership should be mandatory for those holding R Y A positions and appointments , well , that is certainly up for future debate but I do look forward to the day when our membership is truly representative at the individual level as it is currently at the club level and we w should n't forget that the R Y A is its membership .
30 LTP is associative in the sense that a ‘ weak ’ input can be potentiated if it is active at the same time as a strong tetanus to a separate but convergent input .
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