Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] can [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The argument is sufficiently clear that it can be formulated mathematically , and the equilibrial balance calculated .
2 New technology has produced phones so light that they can be carried unobtrusively in a shirt pocket .
3 It is also possible that they can be produced by the slumping of large masses of sediment in water , though in this case the cause may be confused with the effect .
4 In fact it is only because he is trying so hard to get it right that he can be said to get it wrong at all , and the gauche hero is above all the example of social over-anxiety , like Betjeman 's subaltern weak for love on a Hampshire tennis-court : his palms moist at the first handshake , one imagines , his over-careful manners a veneer masking racking uncertainties , and an over-developed sense of social duty enforcing its own inner punishment .
5 Some risks are so great that they can not be tolerated under any circumstances , while others are so low that they can be tolerated without further justification ; between these extremes , assessment is needed .
6 The expectation is so subtle that it can be transmitted even when the experimenter conveys his instructions by means of a tape recording .
7 Blooms of certain species of coccolithophores are so vast that they can be seen from space and , as a result , will provide information on global climatic changes .
8 Science , as it has developed right across the board since the end of the sixteenth century , has operated with the axiomatic assumption that events in the material world , out there , external to human minds , are governed by regularities which are so coherent and consistent that they can be treated as " natural laws " .
9 The experiments , due to Leon Glass , are so simple that they can be repeated by anyone with access to a photo-copying machine .
10 [ The government ] is convinced that it can be done only by delegating responsibility as closely as possible to where health care is delivered to the patient — predominantly to the GP and the local hospital .
11 Our current account deficit is now so large that it can be reduced by a mere £2bn or £3bn and still be huge .
12 What follows is abstract and will be developed in subsequent chapters , but the points are so obvious that they can be stated now .
13 Establish eye contact with the judge , and make sure that you can be heard .
14 But can we be so confident that it can be stopped ?
15 For the collector of Munros , the skyline boundaries of Glen Shiel provide exhilarating expeditions with Munros so profuse that they can be picked off like apples from a tree .
16 I consider the distress of the farmers so great that nothing can be done to save many from absolute ruin .
17 In addition the laser methods are so powerful that they can be applied to excited nuclear states .
18 As coach Roddan says : ‘ The race is so short that nothing can be allowed to go wrong — and nothing must ever distract them . ’
19 Some officers familiar with the medium range Trigat project are sceptical that it can be modified to defeat the new armour .
20 Self-contained smoke detectors require routine maintenance such as testing and cleaning , so it is important that they can be reached easily and safely .
21 They are not so insignificant that they can be ignored ; but nor are they so important that they can be allowed to kill the only prospect for peace that does not involve a fight to a standstill .
22 Clients will not be allowed access to information about other private citizens which is in their file — either descriptive material or the fact that someone is the source of a report — unless the other person is happy that it can be shared .
23 Because the fungus is now so widespread , it is unlikely that it can be stopped with fungicides .
24 If the first retailer has only been in business a short time before the second retailer opens his store then it is unlikely that anything can be done .
25 Of miraculously complicated organisms so small that they can be seen only by a privileged élite , through microscopes costing several thousand pounds ?
26 The Foucauldian equation between knowledge and power is left so general that it can be appropriated by the most tenuously ‘ feminist ’ of psychologies .
27 Kuhn 's paradigms are not so precise that they can be replaced by an explicit set of rules , as was mentioned above .
28 Your sport is so dreary that nobody can be bothered to contest it .
29 It is so shocking that it can be shown only after 9pm .
30 I have approached a programmer about providing a drop-down menu/windowing user interface and am very hopeful that it can be achieved .
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