Example sentences of "[adj] for [art] [det] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Quite apart from the blunder there was one moment near the end of the game when he was walking around on the stage of Sadler 's Wells , unaware for a few minutes that it was his move .
2 Most continue ripening in store until ready for the table , but a few varieties must be brought into the warm for a few days before they are ready to eat .
3 They were usually listless for a few days before they collapsed , breathing with evident difficulty and , in a few cases , discharging a white frothy liquid from their nostrils .
4 Rather than chase somebody and take away what little respect they have , it 's far better that they go out and maybe get lost for a few minutes and then come back , than have somebody chase them .
5 Just take it easy for a few minutes and save your strength for when the police arrive .
6 The horizon was a dark terracotta colour , the top of the dying sun just visible for a few seconds before it dropped out of sight and the sky doused the remaining light like a heavy black blanket .
7 The glaze will stay shiny for a few days but after a week will begin to lose its gloss , so do n't decorate the cake too early .
8 If this were so one would expect measures of inter-hemispheric transmission time to remain roughly constant for the same stimuli and subjects , yet this does not appear to be the case ( Bashore , 1981 ) .
9 I was diplomatically ill for a few days and then I returned to my normal work .
10 I 'm going on a fast for a few days because everything you eat 's bad for you . ’
11 Few there are who would speak in favour of cruelty to animals , as thus understood , and I take it that , whatever else our differences might be , at least we all agree that cruelty to other animals is morally vile , and morally vile for the same reasons as cruelty to human children , for example .
12 United played some classy football against Millwall in the first half … they looked good for a few goals but ended with nothing …
13 She had never mentioned that she possessed musical ability , so the crew listened spellbound for a few minutes as she played the carol ‘ Silent Night , Holy Night ’ , as though she had been rehearsing for a month .
14 It is very useful for a few enquiries but can not handle a large number , as a series of storage device movements is involved in each search .
15 Well , keep awake for the few minutes and you might derive a little comfort from knowing what scientists can and ( more important ) can not do .
16 I ad-libbed for a few minutes while the re-take was set up and they warmed to me , which boosted my confidence and gave me the edge .
17 Helen still looked doubtful , then she said tactfully , ‘ Sophie , I think we should leave Ian and Joanna alone for the few minutes that remain , do n't you ? ’
18 ALTHOUGH John Kirwan might be in a honeymoon mood at the moment after the whole All Black team turned up at his recent marriage in Italy ( see pages 54 and 65 ) , his good humour is unlikely to last too long if the NZRFU meeting on December 12 and 13th decides to take action against him over his public announcement that he would not make himself available for the All Blacks if Auckland coach John Hart is not Grizz Wyllie 's successor as national coach .
19 The legal entitlement to common of pasture was defined by the ‘ couchant and levant rule ’ — that is to say , commoners were allowed common for no more cattle than they could keep on their own land during the winter months when they were excluded from the forest .
20 They think they can be thin for a few years and get away with it . ’
21 ‘ He did make things difficult for a few minutes and I did consider having him fired from the chamber .
22 Nigel felt they were close for a few moments before the customary iciness set in .
23 They fell silent for a few moments as they drank their tea .
24 It tastes alright for a few mouthfuls and then it like gets a bit monotonous .
25 It was alright for a few weeks and then it began to look very anaemic and sorry for itself .
26 When they had gone and the noise of the engines had faded away , all would be quiet for a few hours and most people on night duty could relax — but not the Met Office , of course .
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