Example sentences of "[adj] in [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Almost as he spoke they heard a crashing in the bushes at the top of the ridge above them .
2 ‘ You know it 's wrong in the eyes of the world , do n't you ?
3 It is grown very high in the foothills of the Himalayas and has a light grapy flavour , although I find it can become slightly acidic if brewed for too long .
4 A good example is the Derbyshire surname Bagshaw or Bagshawe , which is derived from a minor placename near Chapel en le Frith , high in the hills of the Peak District .
5 And a cave we shall pass on our trip today , high in the cliffs on the southernmost point — Ghar Hasan .
6 He said he was worried about the crops , and he was worried about Sigarup still high in the mountains with the sheep .
7 The situation was almost the same at Exeter , but 48 per cent of the subsidy assessments were at £1 , mostly on wages , while in Coventry these were only a handful out of a total of some 700 taxpayers , meaning that almost half the population literally ‘ possessed absolutely nothing but the rags they stood up in , a few sticks and boards for ‘ furniture ’ , and the tools of their trade , if any' , Exeter clearly enjoyed full employment — as full , that is , as was attainable in the conditions of the time — while Coventry languished in the grip of severe unemployment , and indeed in the early 1520s was undergoing a series of acute economic crises .
8 With his experience , the right hon. Gentleman will also be interested in the views of the CBI .
9 Some vets ( including myself ) are particularly interested in the problems of the pet minorities .
10 They became interested in the peculiarities of the Celtic society they tried to control and subdue .
11 Charles worried about the effect it was having on her ; and grew angry and frustrated on his own behalf , that no one seemed interested in the ills of the world .
12 Weber was interested in the reasons for the emergence of capitalism in western Europe .
13 In this book , we are particularly interested in the determinants of the aggregate demand for labour — that is , the total quantity of the labour input ( measured in person-hours ) which all firms in the economy are willing to employ .
14 With the increased growth of tension in the East End in 1936 the Security Service became interested in the activities of the IFL .
15 The court stressed the mutuality of the partnership contract by which the restriction was applied to all partners who together were interested in the profits of the firm as a single practice .
16 ‘ I did a lot of research into what the characters were like , I was n't so much interested in the facts of the case of the dates and specifics , but , I actually got to know Susan Atkins pretty well , one of the Family members who is now in prison .
17 Southwood was not much interested in the tactics of the Labour movement .
18 ( I wager Wolsey kept an eye on that , too , being most interested in the sins of the flesh .
19 Yes , that 's right , and in fact I , I was interested for erm even before I got interested in the Muddletonians in the way in which people in the early modern period were fascinated by the idea of Christ returning on earth a second time , on the millennium , and erm I wrote about that experience .
20 The thirteen open-toppers were popular in the years before the war , when they replaced the Dreadnoughts .
21 Now Baker reports that man also has a potential ‘ magnetic sense organ ’ , a concentration of magnetic in the bones in the base of the skull which form the nasal cavity ( the sphenoid/ ethmoid sinus complex ) .
22 There had been that unfortunate controversy in the local Press with the manager of the Palladium , when he had been compelled , under pressure from his bishop , to issue a statement to the effect that all films were not necessarily harmful in the eyes of the Church .
23 The thread is spooled on an enormous reeling-machine ( nituchha ) before being woven on a primitive loom into mens ' shirts and trousers , household linen and curtains ( pologa ) to protect the sleeper from the mosquitoes that are so prevalent in the marshes of the western plains .
24 It 's good to see that so many children are becoming literate in the ways of the countryside and gaining knowledge of their responsibility for the planet .
25 Our defence would be unsafe in the hands of the opposition parties .
26 Wayans gets ensconsed in the bowels of the Dynasty Credit Card Company and one of his jobs is to dispose of people 's old cards .
27 That the court has inherent discretionary jurisdiction to clarify the expert clause was stated in Royal Trust International Ltd v Nordbanken ( 1989 ) unreported , Chancery Division , 13 October : … there may well be cases in which it is appropriate in the interests of the expert as well as the party [ making the application to the court ] that there should be an advance determination of law or construction which will form the basis of the expert 's approach to his task .
28 It is known that he was proficient in the sciences of the time , as well as being a considerable linguist .
29 These are usually express , i.e. stated in the terms of the lease , though covenants may also be implied .
30 He followed this with Jack Absolute in The Rivals at the National Theatre and David Mamet 's A Life in the Theatre with Freddie Jones at the Open Space .
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