Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He wiped them clear and peered inside the smoking gap .
2 He prepared the altar for Mass , opened the-door and waited for the small trickle of his congregation to enter .
3 All that is most sensible and clearheaded in the Catholic church will meet in Rome on May 17 to celebrate the beatification of Mgr Josemaria Escriva ( 1902–1975 ) who founded Opus Dei , the unecstatic religious movement which may yet save Christianity from the sex therapists .
4 He seemed embarrassed and stammered for the first time in his English .
5 It was pitch dark and felt like the small hours ; there was no sound of traffic from the road at all , and he was on his own with a vengeance .
6 For band shifting , the corresponding oligonucleotide was labelled by using T4 polynucleotide kinase and γ- 32 P-ATP and annealed with the complementary chain .
7 He ducked low and scuttled across the open space between the door and the first row of desks , hoping Spatz would n't catch a glimpse of him , then ran along the corridor between the desks until he came to the end .
8 At nearly fifteen he was already over six feet tall and towered over the little Irish doctor in front of him .
9 Small-scale and localized in the early nineteenth century , it became large-scale and increasingly concentrated in several main trawler ports as the century wore on .
10 Also , since to a large extent the promise of Nazi solutions was false and depended upon the Nazi ability to create the problems it intended to resolve by force , matters in Danzig had to move much more slowly because the city was subject to massive foreign observation through the League of Nations .
11 He swallowed hard and ran to the back door , pressing himself against the wall beside it .
12 Gregory prefaced his great work , the Decem Libri Historiarum , with the following statement : The cultivation of liberal letters is declining or rather dying in the cities of Gaul , since some things that are good and some that are wicked are taking place , and the savagery of the barbarians is on the loose ; the anger of the kings is sharp ; the churches are under threat from the heretics , and are protected by the catholics ; the faith of Christ burns in some and is cold in others ; those same churches are enriched by the devout and empoverished by the perfidious ; nor can any grammarian skillful in the art of dialectic be found to depict this in prose or verse .
13 He decided to tell the story of William Black to the Down Presbytery which met monthly and consisted of the Presbyterian ministers of a substantial section of County Down together with one lay elder from each congregation .
14 Suppression of the Communist-inspired 1932 insurgency in El Salvador ( see page 41 ) was truly ferocious and resulted in the complete destruction of the party apparatus and the execution of its leaders ( including the man whose name has been adopted by the current guerrilla movement in El Salvador , Farabundo Martí ) .
15 Crilly wakes and tells me about when he was little and slept in the same room as his father , while his sisters slept with his mother .
16 She looked young and pretty and relaxed for the first part of the evening until a ghastly sense of anti-climax set in when she realized that many of the young English guests had arrived well watered and rowdy after their coach trip , soon to become hideously drunk on the Ashley 's generous provision of champagne and wine , with a few dainty canapés and other elegant nibbles .
17 Instinctively they had again swung left and plunged into the familiar shelter of the woods .
18 We accept that the statement that he was ‘ beaten to death ’ whilst in police custody was incorrect and went beyond the original inquest verdict of manslaughter .
19 In both content and form there was a parallel shift from the classical and idealized to the every-day and contingent .
20 In the novel , Balzac , Stendhal , and especially Zola illustrate a developing modernization in content , in their shift from the classical and idealized to the social and the every-day and finally , in Zola 's case , to approximating the fully contingent .
21 Nearer the cottage the soldiers had set up an infestation grid , the dull mauve light attracting anything small and winged from the surrounding meadows .
22 Consequently , federalists were shocked and disheartened by the 1945 British general election , which removed Churchill and his Conservatives from power .
23 Leaving the torch on its ledge , Fernand moved towards the entrance and then stopped , half-turned and gestured to the far wall and the sinister shadow that marked the emptiness below .
24 The girls looked a little less sulky and stared at the two townees .
25 It was growing dark in the garden , but not dark enough — she was naked and exposed under the wide , open sky .
26 O. coriacea superficially resembles Ophiotrema alberti from which it differs by the lack of distinct spinelets on the disk ; the shape of the adoral shields which are straight and do not have an indented proximal edge while those of Ophiotrema alberti are more wing-like and indented over the second oral tentacle pore ; the shape of the oral shields which are arrow shaped not round and almost hemispherical as in some specimens of Ophiotrema and by the absence of tentacle scales in Ophiotoma .
27 The truck turned right by the big houses at the south edge of the Common and started along the straight stretch , where we were standing .
28 As it happened , in the first book , Mrs Curdle paid her final visit to the place , but her grandson Ben took over the fair and continued in the old lady 's footsteps for several years .
29 The arm spines are thin and pointed with the ventralmost becoming elongated up to three times the length of the others and developing a rugose multipointed crown .
30 In an interview on Feb. 4 , the Prince said that the Khmers Rouges had finally accepted the change " because they are aware they have become more and more isolated and hated on the international level " .
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